Guide to Contents

Eminent Women of the St. George Temple

July 2021: The Eminent Women Project ground to a halt when I switched over to researching and writing the book Slavery in Zion: A Documentary and Genealogical History of Black Lives and Black Servitude in Utah Territory, 1847–1862. It is in the University of Utah Press catalog and should be released in September 2022. The Eminent Women of the St. George Temple project is pending!

The Eminent Women of the St. George Temple
The framework for this series of biographies is Wilford Woodruff's dream or vision about the Founding Fathers and his need to do their temple work in the brand new St. George Temple (1877). He also had the temple work done for fifty eminent men of the world, the women in the George Washington family, and seventy eminent women of the world. Note that the names of the eminent men and women came from Evert A. Duyckinck, Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men and Women of Europe and America.

This series, originally published at Keepapitchinin: The Mormon History Blog, highlights sixty-one amazing women from St. George, Utah, and surrounding communities who helped Wilford Woodruff complete the temple work project. It also tells the story of the women whose work was done.

The following is a summary of some of my blogged and published work including the Eminent Women project. The starred articles are some of my favorites, for one reason or another.

Introduction: The Eminent Women of the St. George Temple
Martha Washington and Lucy Bigelow Young
Ann Fairfax Washington Lee
Susanna Mehitable Rogers Sangiovanni Pickett Keate
Anna Charlotte Eldridge Hinkle Chidester and Charlotte Corday
Mary O'Connell
Rose Jarvis
Ann Crosby Thomas
Christiane von Goethe
Roseinia (Rose) Sylvester Jarvis
Isabell Hill Romney Platt and Charlotte von Schiller 
Mary Lockwood Ross Kemp and Lady Sydney Morgan
Matilda Hoffman
Eliza Lund
Eliza Ann (Grazen) Brace Lund
Mary Parker Chidester
Catharine Maria Sedgwick
Jennett Potter Oxborrow and Mary Philipse Morris
Caroline Blake Hardy
Jane Mary Nugent Burke
Jean Armour Burns
Elizabeth Thomas Morse
Elizabeth Morse
Lucy Bigelow Bunch and Sarah Creagh Philpot Curran

Articles Related to the Eminent Women Series
The Sylvesters: The Fire and Light Was Always Free
A Brief Guide to Mitt Romney's Polygamous Heritage
A Response to the Salt Lake Tribune on Utah's Dixie and Slave Culture
Childhood Memories (Seth Austin Pymm and Eliza Dent Pymm)
Elizabeth Kane Meets the Madonna Dolorosa (Caroline Perkins Jackson)
Historical News Flash: Wilford Woodruff’s Vision of the Founding Fathers
Charles Lowell Walker: Keeping Dixie Sane
Charles Lowell Walker: Dearest Children
St. George Rocked by Crime Wave, 1897

Slaves in Zion and Related Topics
Marinda Redd Bankhead: A Slave in Zion
Hark (Lay) Wales: A Slave in Zion
Chaney Redd (Cunningham): A Slave in Zion
Remembering Slave Burial Sites: A Memorial Day Post
Another Slave Burial Site in Utah
Julius Taylor Attends Old Folks' Day
Was Wallace Thurman a Descendant of Mormon Pioneers?

At Church History, Co-authored with Jonathan Stapley
"In My Father's House are Many Mansions": Green Flake's Legacy of Faith

At Deseret Book
Tanner, Amy Thiriot. "Ann Prior Jarvis: Strength According to My Day." In Richard E. Turley and Brittany A. Chapman. Women of Faith in the Latter Days: Volume Two, 1821-1845. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 2012, 136-148. 
——. "I Have Tried to Give My Best to Life: Rose Ellen Bywater Valentine (1875–1966). In Richard E. Turley and Brittany Chapman Nash. Women of Faith in the Latter Days: Volume Four, 1871–1900. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 2017, 266–279.

Volkstrauertag: Saints in World War I Germany
Karl Püschel, "Far Away from My Home": A Latter-day Saint in the German Army, 1918
The Valentines Return from Switzerland, 1917
Volkstrauertag: A Commemorative Week
Volkstrauertag in Salt Lake City
Contest: "Angels of Glory Shout the Refrain"—Writing a Hymn
Hark, All Ye Nations: Contest Winners
"Died in the Service of Their Fatherland": German Latter-day Saints in WWI (1914) (1915) (1916) (1917) (1918) (1919)
Ernst Pola: "Do Not Fear!": A Latter-day Saint in the German Army, 1915

Cyrus Hubbard Wheelock Week and the Poetry of Hannah Last Cornaby
I Go Devoted to His Cause
In Desert, On Mountain, On Land, or On Sea
"Ye Elders of Israel" (all five original verses)
Did Cyrus Wheelock Write "My Native Land, Farewell"? (No)
The Dramatic Tale of Mary Ann Broomhead Wheelock Rattenberry
The Many Marriages of Cyrus Wheelock
Crossing the Atlantic Ocean (Hannah Last Cornaby)
A True Story (Hannah Last Cornaby)
To Elder Geo. W. Wilkins (Hannah Last Cornaby)
To Mrs. Mary Isaacs (Hannah Last Cornaby)
Lead Me to the Rock (Hannah Last Cornaby)

Miscellaneous and Genealogical
Missionaries Wearing Fezzes (Joseph Marion Tanner, Ferdinand F. Hintze, Jacob Spori)
The Big Table: An Experiment in Communal Living (The United Order on the Little Colorado)
In Which We Bid Farewell to NewFamilySearch and Welcome Family Tree
Mrs. Nellie Kidd, Courtesan (Ellen Madora James Robinson Kidd Early McLean)
Wondering About "Wondering Awe": A Christmas Whodunnit (authorship of anonymous Christmas carol)
Faith in a Time of Cholera (Ann Prior Jarvis)
Thiriot, Amy Tanner. "Sharing Family Stories Online." Chinook 34:3 (Spring 2014), 17–20.
A Historical Mystery: Thomas Bullock and the Utah County Census
Lives of Ancestors All Remind Us: Family History Books
Genealogy's Star: When Genealogy Becomes an Issue in Presidential Politics
Middle Name Creep: A Cautionary Tale
"Take Care of the Children": The 1869 Salt Lake City Measles Epidemic
Alexander Schreiner Explains the Hymn
Alexander Schreiner: An Organist in Trouble
A Hide as Tough as a Hippopotamus: Charles W. Penrose Schools His Feelings
Cake, Ice Cream, Sandwiches, Potato Salad, and Punch: Family Reunions and Family Associations (note also Sam Brunson's post written at T&S in response, "Invite the IRS to Your Family Reunion")
Cherries and Cold Milk
Oh, What a Puzzle: What if Your Genealogy is "All Done"?
Exciting Times for Mormon Family History: Free Access...

Disclaimer about the Eminent Women of the St. George Temple project: Since the subject of baptisms for the dead gets some press from time to time, church policy is, and has been for years, that church members should do the temple work only for their own ancestors and family, and close personal friends with the permission of their immediate families.