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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Morgan 2: Harold Morgan, April 6, 1913

Hunt Ariz.
April 6 1913

Dear Jessie:–

“Such a day as I have spent.” I wish you were here so that I could enumerate the many things “your true love” has done today. To begin with I walked about three miles to where Lin’s camp is, had breakfast, “chewed the rag” a little while, then hitched up the horses and moved camp about a half a mile, down to where the Little Colorado and Zuni rivers come together.

I will not tell you more, for… [missing]

But to assume a little more of an optimistic attitude toward life. I am perfectly delighted with the prospects here, almost everything in our favor. Will tell you all about it when we meet again. I wonder when, be assured though it will not be long. I can think of nothing at the present only that I love you I love you. I think of you not as a girl or as my friend but as the loveliest of women, my betrothed, (or did you tell me not yet) if so alright it shall be as you wish. But you will surley [sic] not blame me for thinking it. To be truthful I have thought it for some weeks past. But we will talk of that when we are nearer each other,

Well here I am starting another page and its just twenty nine and a half degrees below zero in this room. But I’m sure I could write to you if I were sitting on the North Pole. It seems like warm spring days are never going to come. Honestly I would prefer the hottest day in the year to one of these old windy ones. But I’ve turned optimist lately so will not complain and will think only of the future, which I have no doubt, is filled with brightness. But the present is what is worrying me. Think I will make it allright though.

Well dear remember I am ever with you in your dreams and memories. Write often think of me often as I do of you.

devotedly with love

(Lin is his brother Richard Linton Morgan. Hunt is northwest of St. Johns. When you see [sic] in a letter, that means that a word is being quoted exactly as it was in the original and it is not a typo in the transcription.)

(Photo of the Little Colorado River by

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! These will be great! I always enjoy the things you share here.
