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Friday, January 16, 2009

Morgan 2: Harold Morgan, July 2, 1913

Hunt Ariz
July 2 1913

My Dearest:— Tonight I am trying to forget you for little while. To make myself believe that I am not in love with the sweetest dearest little girl in the world. (But how impossible.) For I’m afraid you will be just a little dissappointed [sic] when I tell you that it is impossible for me to be with you on the 4th. I have just been talking with mother. She is going to Snowflake in the morning but said she would not go if I went to St Johns. There are so many things to look after that she felt that either she or I must stay. Then to [sic] Uncle David will be here with nobody to look after him if all the folks leave and I should go to [sic]. There will be meals to get and chores to do besides all the work in the day. Then to [sic] it is just now that I ought to stay with the irrigating, because everything is so dry. And it means so much if we should let it go, and if I came it could be only for part of the day as I would have to be here for the next morning. So you see how it all is. But you don’t know how I hate it. It seems I hav’ent [sic] seen you for ages. And oh, dear, I get so lonesome. You will forgive me if I don’t come won’t you and think of me just as much for perhaps next week I will come up and stay two or three days.

Gee, it will be lonesome.

Jess is going to take the mail to Holbrook rather a dry time for him to. But thanks to the good man there are more days a coming. But I wish to the devil John Handcock [sic] and Tom Jefferson had’nt [sic] written the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July but had waited a week or two. Now that would have been more accomadating [sic] would’nt [sic] it. But as they were so anxious I suppose I will let it go as it is.

You must have a good time and forget that I have been so neglectful of you for one can’t help but feel that is what it is yet it can’t be helped this time. Now dearest you must write me a long letter telling me just what you think of me and what you are going to do (forgive and forget I hope) That reminds me I was just a little dissappointed [sic] my self tonight (reason unknown) But I almost feel like asking you to write every day, at least for the next two or three days.

But I am going to have them send me down some fire crackers the five cent kind, (you know) I wish I had thought and had you do it. And believe me I will just raise old H— himself. But anyway you will think of me won’t you dearest. And wish I were with you my heart will be if I’m not. Well it is just 12 P.M., so good night sweetheart. forgive just this once

yours lovingly

Photo of skyrocket or scarlet gillia from with restrictions including no commercial use.

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