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Monday, January 12, 2009

Morgan 2: Harold Morgan, June 4, 1913

Hunt Ariz.
June 4 1913

Dearest Jessie: Tonight I expected a letter, but in vain, really dear don’t you think you ought to have written perhaps your intentions were good but I will forgive, (getting better don’t you think) but I ought to be good don’t you think for you have been so good to me. I think of what we said to each other last Sunday night almost every few minutes. My only wish is that I was there to say it all over again and hear you say “I think I could.” The more I think of it the happier I feel and the brighter things look just to think that you are mine not wholly yet tis true but a year soon passes don’t it sweetheart yet how unworthy I feel, but I will try and be so good so that you will not feel to regret it one instant. I was so captivated that night that I could hardly talk but since thinking it over I have got so many things to tell you and to ask about. Am afraid I will not be up next Sunday Lin left yesterday morning for Utah so I am alone with our outfit, watering night and day but it seems the more I work the better I feel, you can’t imagine how happy I am why it seems like I never do get tired. I wonder if I am just a little love sick.

I was surley [sic] taken back the other day. Lawrence Macray was asked how old he thought I was “oh about ninteen [sic]” he said what do you know about that, honestly I thought I was just about a man but am beginning to feel like a real small boy but I use to be a little egotistical did’nt [sic] I ha.ha. But the responsibility Ive [sic] had this summer has surley [sic] opened my eyes. Don’t believe I’d take five hundred dollars for my experience this summer of course thats [sic] not to be mentioned somebody might pin one down

But here I am talking so much about my self. How have you been getting along but more so how have you felt. You hav’ent [sic] worried have you dear. I hope that you will feel to trust in me for I understand so much better. Understanding (reminds) me but I’ll not tell it here what a lot we’ll have to talk about just a week and a half more can hardly wait. Well it is just 12:30 PM. so perhaps had better close write to me often take good care of yourself and ever remember your loving Harold.

(Harold turned 21 on June 2, 1913. Jessie turned 20 on June 13.)

(Photo of collared lizard at Petrified National Forest from with some restrictions.)

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