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Monday, February 2, 2009

Morgan 2: Harold Morgan, Part IX

I arrived in Pasadena Nov. 11, 1956 and went to work on the copy desk. Bill Summer was managing editor, a very likable fellow and a good newspaperman. There was plenty of work but the pay was the best I had ever received.

I immediately got in touch with Paul and family. The next three week ends I spent at their home in Rivera. I was overjoyed to see him and his cute family. Sometime after I left Salt Lake Jessie went to Phoenix, … Mom and Anne came to Pasadena for Christmas. I had secured an apartment on South El Molino. Once again we were a real happy family [until Anne left home] …

How lonely it was without our little girl. Mom became busy in the ward acting for sometime as second counselor in the presidency and as head of the visiting teachers. I taught the Special Interest class in Mutual and was chairman of the Ward Genealogical Committee. I also served for two years on a stake mission. We had considerable success, having baptized more than 15 persons. As Genealogical chairman we were successful in stirring up much interest and conducting a number of successful excursions to the Los Angeles Temple.

In 1962 I was ordained a high priest, having been a member of the Seventies Quorum for more than 40 years. I was ordained a Seventy soon after high school days under the hands of the late President Charles H. Hart. Early in the summer Jessie was called to Flagstaff, Ariz. by the death of her brother Frank. It was soon after she returned that we joined a tour which took us through some 15 or 16 states on a visit to many places of Mormon historical interest. In another record I have written a history of this trip. What a wonderful time we had.

On the way back to Pasadena Jessie stopped off in Salt Lake City and then returned to Chicago …

Shortly after she returned to Pasadena I was examined for some rectal pains and was told that I had a malignant inoperable cancer. The Dr. Paul Blaisdell, said I probably had only a short time to live. However, I decided this should not be the end. We called in the elders. All the family came home. The ward members were wonderful with scores of letters, cards and phone calls. They also did fasting and praying in my behalf. From Oct. 9 through March 1963 I was in bed much of the time. I also had many calls from my co-workers. Each day I began to get stronger until April when I returned to work. What a happy day that was. The Lord had really been most merciful and kind. Within the past few weeks the manifestation of His Power has again been shown.…

In the course of this narrative I have made little mention of my experiences as a newspaperman but I can assure they were varied. I believe the field offers the greatest assortment of characters of any profession. Many experiences were thrilling and many were sad and depressing. I have interviewed many of the great of the nation and the world. Some of my stories have caused the resignation and sometimes the imprisonment of public officials for theft or other causes. Other stories have detailed notable events and promoted many schemes for the development of natural resources.

To me it has been a most satisfactory and rewarding life, except form a monetary standpoint. In this respect it could have been much better, especially during the first few years.

Harold died on November 1, 1963. His "extra" time gave him the opportunity to write this history. One of his granddaughters wrote a master's thesis on his newspaper career and one of these years I will locate a copy. (There is one in the BYU library.) Here is a last picture of Harold with his oldest children.

1 comment:

  1. It was Susan who wrote her thesis about Grandpa Morgan!
