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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More on The Southern Star

The History of the Southern States Mission spans all of the issues of the Southern Star that I've seen so far. It's a fairly interesting read, so I'm going to type up each short section and post them along with biographical information about John Morgan.

As the weekly paper finished its first year of publication, a short history said the following:
For a number of years the need of a Mission paper in the Southern States has been earnestly contemplated. President Elias S. Kimball made a vigorous effort to establish a paper, but because of non-support he was compelled to abandon his hopes.

Ben E. Rich, when appointed to succeed Elias S. Kimball as President of the Southern States Mission, was informed about what had been done, and being enthused with the same spirit that actuated President Kimball, made a thorough investigation of the matter and was assured of the hearty support of the Elders in this Mission, and received the sanction of the authorities of the Church. Elder David P. Felt was called into the office from Georgia, and assisted in establishing the paper and acted as its first editor. Elder Ray Ashworth succeeded him, with Elder A.F. Cardon as his assistant. When these two brethren were released, President L.R. Anderson assumed control until the arrival of Elder Geo. E. Maycock from Utah.

The paper has held its head above water, and at the close of the first volume we have a few dollars to our credit. (Latter Day Saints Southern Star. Vol. 1, No. 52. Chattanooga, Tenn., Saturday, November 25, 1899.)
Other regular features of the Southern Star:
  • news from other mission fields of the church
  • reports of violence toward the members and missionaries of the church and their buildings in the Southern States Mission
  • conference addresses
  • devotional messages by mission leaders
  • ongoing reports on B.H. Roberts' bid for a seat in Congress
  • biographies of church leaders
  • inspirational quotes
  • short stories

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