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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

History of the Southern States Mission, Part 14: Conferences

During the lapse of time between the July conference and August conference President Morgan and Elder Barbour held some good spirited meetings in North Georgia, after which they proceeded to Moscow, Lamar county, Alabama, where they met thirteen Elders, Saints and friends in conference capacity. This happy meeting occurred on Aug. 12, 12 and 13 [sic]. Many valuable instructions were given, which caused the Elders and Saints to feel encouraged and press on in the glorious work of living and disseminating the eternal truths of the Gospel.

A number of changes were made and the Elders sent forth to their fields of labor.

In the northern part of the mission much opposition and prejudice existed, especially in Kentucky. In this state the conference meeting was postponed on account of threatened mob violence. They who should defend truth tried to overcome it by publishing scandalous falsehoods, having for their motive the downfall of the work and trouble for the Elders and Saints.

The Louisville Commercial was especially energetic in this regard.

The conference finally convened during the last days of August at the home of Brother Nours, near Huntsville, Kentucky. Presidents Morgan and Snow were there to make light the hearts of the Elders and Saints. Here a branch of the church was organized, with Elder William Hendricks as presiding officer.

The semi-annual report showed a marked increase of baptisms over former reports, number two hundred and four for the half year ending Aug. 31.

In the month of September special efforts were made looking to reducing the rates for emigrants. President Morgan went to Denver, Colorado, and to Louisville, Kentucky, for this purpose. The railroad officials met him with favor and readily made concessions which were advantageous to the mission.

During this time Elders were coming from Zion to warn the people of the coming judgments and prepare them for eternal life.

A profitable change came in October, the headquarters of the mission being moved from Nashville to Chattanooga, Tennessee. This was done on Oct. 10, 1882. Arrangements were perfected for emigrants to leave Chattanooga on Nov. 16, circulars having been sent to all parts of the mission to this effect. After the departure of the fall emigration President John Morgan, with some of his co-workers, were released to return home.

At the semi-annual conference at Salt Lake City a number of Elders were called to take a mission; ten making their appearance during this month at Chattanooga, and were assigned to their fields of labor.

On Nov. 4 and 5 the Mississippi Conference convened at Lodi, Montgomery county, Mississippi, Elders Morgan, Moore and Judd being present. The meetings were fairly attended and a good spirit manifested. Elder S.D. Moore was appointed president of the conference, Elder E.W. McBride being released to return home.

[When was John Morgan released? He shows up in the next installment, and I'm seeing different dates in various sources.]

Latter Day Saints Southern Star, Vol. 1, No. 17, Chattanooga, Tenn. Saturday, March 25, 1899, p 135.

Photo of Montgomery County, Mississippi from

1 comment:

  1. I believe he was released about that time, but that his chosen sucessor (B. H. Roberts) was considered by some too young (at the time 25 years old) for the position. A compromise was reached where President Morgan kept the title of Mission President and B. H. Roberts was acting Mission President. This lasted until 1888 when William Spry was called as the new Mission President.
