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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Morgan 4: Notes from Church Chronology

Today I will mention an interesting source with anecdotes from the published history of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the nineteenth century. It is called Church Chronology: A Record of Important Events. Assistant Church Historian Andrew Jenson compiled notes on church callings, ward and stake reorganizations, deaths, imprisonments for polygamy, various church-almanac-type data, and other items of interest. For example:

Here are the notes relating to John Morgan.

The demise of Elder Wm. W. Taylor, Aug. 1, 1884, caused another vacancy, [in the First Council of Seventies] which was filled Oct. 7, 1884, by the ordination of John Morgan as one of the First Seven Presidents.... Elder John Morgan died at Preston, Idaho, Aug. 14, 1894. At the following October conference, Edward Stevenson was chosen to fill the consequent vacancy in the council. (Page xv.)

Fri. 28.—A company of Saints from Georgia and Alabama, in charge of Elder John Morgan, arrived at Alamosa, the end of the railroad track, and proceeded by wagons to the camp of the Saints, near Los Cerritos, Conejos Co., Colo., where they arrived the next day. (Page 103.)

Fri. 25.—On this and the following day, the 92nd quorum of Seventy was organized by John Morgan in the San Luis Stake of Zion, Conejos Co., Col., with Christen Jensen as senior president. The members of the quorum were mostly young Elders from the Southern States. (Page 134.)

Mon. 3.—The body of Alma P. Richards, of Morgan County, Utah (murdered about the 2nd of August, 1888) was found near Russell Station, on the A.G.S.Ry, Mississippi. It was exhumed, placed in a metallic coffin and shipped to Utah, where it arrived in charge of Elder John Morgan, June 8th. (Page 175.)

Sun. 6.—At the Stake conference, held at St. Johns, Ariz.,the 104th quorum of Seventy was organized by John Morgan, with Charles G.D. Jarvis, Samuel D. Moore, W.C. Davis, Frithoff G. Nielsen, J.W. Brown, A.E. Cheeney and W.D. Rencher as presidents. (Page 194.)

Tues. 14.—John Morgan, one of the first Seven Presidents of the Seventies, died at Preston, Idaho. (Page 207.)

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