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Friday, June 19, 2009

The Life Story of Mary Ann Linton Morgan Written by Herself

Daughter of Samuel Linton and Ellen Sutton (Linton) b. 11 Feb. 1865 in Nephi, Juab Co. Utah. In a brown adobe house built I think by Homer Brown a farmer for whom my father worked.

It was situated on the So. East corner of what is now 2nd So. and 2nd East St. We lived there till I was 4 years old when we moved into a log house on 3rd E. Father had cut and hauled the logs from the mts. They were sawed at the John Andrews Saw Mill in Nephi.

My brother John was b. in S.L. city Apr. 6, 1859. My mother had a little daughter by a former marriage also b. (b. 29 May 1855) in S.L. City. Sarah Ellen McKetchney dau. of Charles who apostacised from the ch. and went to California. I also had a little sister Lucilla b. 16 Oct. 1861 who died 29 Apr. 1863. My bro. Samuel b. 7 Jan. 1867 in the same brown adobe house.

While we lived in this house my parents shared their home with Bro. John Adams and wife Jane. Converts from England for several months till they could get a little place of their own. They had there two children Alice and Henry b. in Eng. and one dau. born in Nephi after they moved in their own home. We were life long friends and neighbors. Father always used to send for Bro. Adams to help him administer to us, when we were ailing and we were always restored to health without the service of a physician. Never had a Dr. in our home till after my husband John Morgan d. in 1894 in Jan. 1895 my mother was stricken by typhoid fever same disease as Bro. M. had, and my sisters were frightened and sent for Dr. Ed Wilcox much to fathers displeasure.

He had great faith and enjoyed to a marked degree the gift of healing. Soon after we moved into the log house Father was called to the “muddy mission” near St. George, Utah. As the company of missionaries were to leave father left a few days before my sister Alice was born. Mother had a very difficult delivery, a serious hemorage. She was attended by a midwife Eliza Gadd who had been called, blest and set apart for this service. She had great faith in the power of the Priesthood, and as I remember hearing, she never lost a case out of the hundreds she delivered. Mother lay in a pool of her own blood while (help was immediately neded or was near) dear Auntie Udall (Rebecca May Udall) waded the creeks to get Dr. (Bp.) Bryan to come and help. This was the 30 of December when she returned ahead of the Dr. she saw Sis. Gadd on her knees with her hands raised pleading for mothers life. Auntie went on to get Elder John Adams to help administer to her and her life was spared.

When I was 7 or 8 years old I started to School. Mary Ellen Love was one of my first techers. She was very kind and loveable, but John being 6 y. older, was under Andrew Love, M.E.’s father, who was a severe disiplinarian. John used to get punished and I would cry and beg for him. We were such pals, he used to take me on the horse behind him to take the cows up in the hills where there was good grass. When we came back we would stop and pick wild flowers which mother enjoyed so much.
We often did school in the winter and helped what we could with the work in the Summer. We always had our chores to do before and after school. Father was an early riser and saw to it that we were all up and dressed ready to go for family prayer before breakfast. No matter how early he had to leave to go to his work, he never missed this duty.

Lois Foot was another of my early school teachers. Then Aunt Hannah Grover, wife of Thomas (deceased). She had two sons Joel and Thom. Jo. who moved from Farmington to Nephi Joel having been called to be Bp. there. Father used to haul and chop wood to pay our tuition. I was quite a favorite with Sis. Grover which caused Jealousy of some of the students and made trouble sometimes for me. One time I remember particularly the monitor kissed me and said she was glad I prayed and if I would be a good girl H.F. would always hear & answer my prayers.

As I advanced in School Frederick W. Choppe was my teacher in Mathematics, writing, Spelling. Elizabeth Ann Schofield taught English, Geography, history & reading.

I loved both of these teachers very much. Used to wash at night and early in the morning so as not to miss a half day in School. Both teachers were very interested in my advancement and Schofield Lizzies mother came and beged me to try the Teachers Examination. Said she felt sure I could pass. I didn’t think I could, so wouldn’t try. I have always wished I had if only to please dear Schofield.

I used to help them on Saturdays and sometimes after school to pay my tuition. When I was 15 I did the work for Eliza Schofield Hawarth when her oldest son was born and again two years after with her 2nd son. I also lived with James Pepton and wife when their 2 dau. was born. with Lottie & Henry Adams when their eldest son Merritt was born.

[That's all of this history. I preserved her spelling and abbreviations.]

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