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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mary Ann Linton Morgan: Five Faith Promoting Instances, No. 2

“Five Faith Promoting Instances”

2nd. Healed by Administration. When I was a young girl working in the Nephi Coop Store I often had a severe headache, due I presume to improper eating. Too much candy perhaps. One Thursday I remember I had a very bad spell. The pain was intense, finally settled in my eyes and the hot water streamed down my face. The other clerks had suggested I be excused and go home; but it was Relief Society meeting day and I knew there would be a crowd in after meeting so thot I should stay till that was over. A friend of mine came in, Sis. Sarah A. Cazier, and said my dear girl you have Erysipelas and began telling me I must go right home and what I should do for it. I knew it was only headache. I went home my father was lying on the couch. He jumped up exclaiming, my child, what is the matter? I told him I had headache. He said oh no that isn’t headache. I said father if you had it you would know it was. Please administer to me at once. He said we would send for Brother Adams (our old faithful neighbor) to help him. I said I can’t wait for Brother Adams do it now. He did. The pain immediately left my eyes and went all over my head. Bro. Adams came and they administered again. I went to sleep to awaken in the morning as well and fresh as ever much to the astonishment of Sis Cazier who came to the store early to ask if they had heard from me. She was so sure I had Erysipelas.

Morgan, Mary Ann Linton. “Five Faith Promoting Instances.”

Photo of the view from the Mt. Nebo (Utah) Loop from

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