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Friday, June 12, 2009

Mary Ann Linton Morgan: Five Faith Promoting Instances, No. 5

“Five Faith Promoting Instances”

#5. A Reward of Submission to the Will of the Father. In the year 1895 during the winter, after my husband’s death in August 1894, my mother was afflicted with varicose veins, and had a bad leg for 3 months, could not step on it, or even let it hang down. She was getting better of this, when typhoid fever set in, the same malignant form that took our beloved husband and father [John Hamilton Morgan] from us. We had always been healed in our home through the power of Administration of the servants of God. I had never been disappointed in answer to my prayers in my life, up to the time of Bro. Morgan's death. I guess that weakened our faith and we sent for Dr. Ed. Wilcox much against the wishes of father. Mother gradually grew worse. The Dr. gave us little hope, and friends thot she could not live.

I felt I could not give her up, thot it would not be possible to live without her in my lonely condition, but I had not much faith to pray.

One morning after a very anxious night, I felt I must be submissive to the will of the Lord, and I immediately bowed myself in humble prayer, telling my Heavenly Father thru sobs and tears how much I felt I needed my mother, but I knew He knew what was for her best good, and I wanted to be reconciled to His will.

She lay in a stupor most of the day, too weak to even lift her hand. Her pains had ceased and she looked as tho she was going to leave us.

In the evening our beloved President William Paxman drove in from St. George. Hearing on the way of our mother’s serious illness, drove right to our home. He and my brothers John and Sam administered to her (I think father had lost faith she would live) and she rested well that night, slept most of the night and improved rapidly to a complete recovery, and lived 14 years a comfort and blessing to us all.

I am very thankful for the many blessings I have received, and know that our Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers. Not always as soon as we ask nor in the way we expect, but He wants us to have faith and confidence in His judgment, by saying and feeling Thy will be done.

Morgan, Mary Ann Linton. “Five Faith Promoting Instances.”

Photo of a Utah farm from


  1. This faith promoting instance is my favorite. How hard it would have been for Mary Ann to loose both her husband and her mother.

  2. Thank you for sharing these "Five Faith Promoting Instances." What a beautiful lady. I too am so grateful she was spared the loss of her mother at that time. I've wanted for so long to know John Morgan's other wives. I thank you for this.
