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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 19-23, 1888

December 19

Rode over to the ditch and found the teams gone to the Pinions for wood. In company with Henry Huffaker rode to the Mexican town of Rinconus and from there home. At work about the corral.

December 20

Started to go to the ranch. Met Jackson and turned back. At work making troughs for the houses the balance of the day.

December 21

Arranged to get J.F. Thomas to survey some lines on our land and in the afternoon killed a pig. Have been reading for the last few days at odd times of the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith, by Geo. Q. Cannon. It is a very fine work and gave a better idea of the life and character of Joseph than anything yet published.

December 22

Started early this a.m. with J.F. Thomas and H. Huffaker to survey the ranch property. At work all day and found all the principal corners as surveyed by governor surveyors.

December 23

About home during the forenoon. Attended meetings at 2 p.m. President Smith read a set of rules adopted by the High Council which the people accepted, but which will be difficult to carry. I spoke one hour. Brother and Sister Holt spent the evening with us.

[That's all of this part of the diary. Thanks again to Bessie S. for sending the scans. It's been an interesting adventure learning about the trip and some of the people John Morgan mentions in the diary.]

Photos of Conejos County, Colorado from In the first photo, the mountains in the near distance are identified as Saddleback and Little Flat Top and are right in front of the Rio Grande River. To the right in the photo is the town of Sanford.

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