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Monday, July 13, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 4-5, 1888

December 4

Started early in company with Brother Merrill and O.C. Wilson [Oliver Cowdery Wilson (1855-1896)], for Bowie Station, 44 miles distant. Had a hard days drive and arrived about dark. Had supper and at 7:30 bade our friends goodbye and took sleeper. Started to attend our appointments in Maricopa Stake.

December 5

Changed cars at Maricopa Junction at 4 a.m. and taking the Maricopa and Pheonix [sic] Train for Tempe where we arrived at 7 a.m. and were met by President Geo. Passey [at the time just released as Maricopa Stake Sunday School President] and Geo. F. Ellsworth [the first assistant superintendent of the Maricopa Stake Sunday School] who drove us to Zenas [Mesa], seven miles distant. Had breakfast at brother Passeys.

The weather is delightfully warm and pleasant, this being a semi-tropical climate. We gathered ripe figs and peaches from from the trees today and found the weather quite warm. Wrote a number of letters. Stayed tonight with President Talma Pomeroy [Talma Emerson Pomeroy (1863-1940)].

[I don't know who made the typescript of the journal that I'm working from, and how spelling or grammatical errors were handled (or created) by the typist.]

The Contributor
History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family
History of the Mexico Mexican Mission
Jubilee History of the Latter-day Saints Sunday Schools
New Family Search

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