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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, April 1908

Charlottenburg    Das Mausoleum (Inneres) [The Mausoleum (Interior)]

Dearest brother:- Here are the dead emperers [sic] and empresses, the grandfather & the grandmother & great grandparents of the present kaiser [sic]. I told you a long time ago in a letter about going out to Charlottenburg and seeing the place where they were buried. This postal doesn't give you much idea of the beauty of the place, but it is the best I can do. I am sorry I haven't sent you so many post cards lately, but I have had so little time. Tell papa I will write him sometime this week, perhaps Thursday. [On front:] Best love from Jean. Berlin, April 6, 1908.

Dearest sister:- I want to send you this post card just to show you what pretty cards they have here. We expect Mrs. K. today or tomorrow, but I can't say that I am anticipating her arrival with any great joy in my heart. It is a glorious day today & lesson day as well, but I do hate to have to stay in all day & work. Would like to be able to get out in just such an orchard as in this picture. [On front:] Best love, Sister

Königl. Kunstakademien, Hochschule für Musik
The royal Academy of High Arts [Fine Arts] and Music

Dearest brother:- Here's another card for you & I hope to send you a good many more before I reach home. I haven't tried to get your film yet but will before I get home. How's school by now? Give Mrs. Casady my love will you? How is the dog looking by now with all his wool off? Give him my regards.
[On front:] Best love from Jean    April 27, /08

[I don't know enough about the history of photography to know what kind of film she meant.]

Dearest mother:- I got papa's letter telling me when he sails & am in a state of intense excitement. Am wondering too who is coming in for the 3rd ticket. Mrs H has been awfully good since she came, have had no trouble at all. I intended to write you a letter today, but have been too busy with practice & harmony & German. I am going to write a letter of introduction to Mr. Cannon & send to you, also will write to Mr. Cannon, Miss P. will give me the address of a pension where you can stay in Paris & here as well. [?] have [?] pretty good now but am rather [?]. Hurrah for home!

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