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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, Dec. 1907

Here are two postcards Jean received and kept. The first is from Tracy Y. Cannon, who was one of the other Utahns living in Berlin:


Berlin, Dec 24/07.
Dear Miss Hayward:
Merry Xmas! Hope you have a right good time this holiday season. With best wishes [what's this word?]
Very sincerely yours,
T.Y. Cannon

The second postcard is from the "Carlsons" who were visiting Vienna. I do not know who they were. [Update: based on passport applications from 1907, the Carlsons were Charles Fredrick and Lulabel Eldredge Carlson. Lulabel was mentioned in Jean's biography by her maiden name, but she was married to Charles by the time they left for Europe in 1907. Lulabel was a pianist and Charles was a piano teacher. The first postcard says, "Graben gegen den Kohlmarkt, mit Dreifaltigkeitsschule, errichtet 1693." (Graben looking towards Kohlmarkt with a view of Trinity School, established 1693.) Here's a slightly amusing translation of a page about the area.]

Dear Jean:—
Just rec'd your welcome letter on this day Xmas, and we both send our love and best wishes for a very happy and successful New Year. May you accomplish great things in your music and derive great benifits [sic] is the loving wish of your friends
The Carlsons

Jean's address in Berlin was Bamberger Straße 5, and she boarded with a family named "Pincher" or "Pinches." I don't know how addresses in Berlin have changed in the past century, but Berlin has been through two major wars since Jean was in Berlin, and things likely look very different than when she was there. I tried to locate Alberto Jonas' address, but cannot find it in any Berlin city directories.

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The clipping on Cannon is from César Saerchinger, International Who's Who in Music and Musical Gazetteer: A Contemporary Biographical Dictionary and a Record of the World's Musical Activity, New York: Current Literature Pub. Co, 1918.

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