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Friday, February 19, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, June 16, 1908

June 11, 1908
(The postmark says 16.6.08, or June 16th, 1908.)

Dearest sister:- You will have to be satisfied with only cards this week. The doctor put me to bed yesterday for a week's rest with nothing to eat but milk every 2 hours. He says there is a little sore in my stomach which will be all well in a week but unless I keep quiet now won't be able to travel. Am feeling fine today. Tell mama not to worry. I will be up & practicing by next Thurs. Papa sails today & oh how glad I will be when he lands on this side. Will write you again very soon. Be sure to not worry. Dearest & best love.

1 comment:

  1. Jean had digestive problems her whole life. She felt like lettuce "fermented" in her stomach and she didn't like to eat a lot of it. Per Norinne.
