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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sarah Hayward Letters

1621 Clay Street
Dec. 20 1900

My Dear Harry and Lizzie

I thank you very much for your kind invitation to the twenty fifth anniversary of your wedding day and regret that I cannot be with you to participate in the very enjoyable time you will have.

It causes me to look back twenty five years and reflect on the many changes we have passed through; joys and sorrows have come and gone and our burdens have been hard to bear; my earnest desire is that from now on your path may be fraught with joy and peace and that every virtue and grace may find sweet resemblance in your…[unreadable]…may live to be a comfort and blessing to you as long as you live. I wish you all a marry Xmas and Happy New Year.

We are going out on Xmas day where I hear there will be seventy guests. We expect to have a happy time, but be assured my thoughts will revert to you many times. With love to you both and the children I am
 Your loving Mother [Sarah Ann Cripps Hayward]

The 1900 census. San Francisco, California.

1340 Grove St. San Diego

My Dear Harry & Lizzie

They have all gone out to the ranch; Sarah, Frances, Libbie, Ernest & the two boys so there’s a jolly crowd of them, so I prefered to sty at home and write a few letters to those who have so kindly remembered me. I thank you both for your good wishes and Christmas gifts and wish you a happy and prosperous new year. We have been having it very cold the past 3 weeks but it is warmer now and to day it is beautifull, we spent Christmas at the ranch had a sucking pig, plumb pudding & ec. had a pleasant time would liked to have had more of my family with us but that could not be so we made the best of it. The fair closes tomorrow and there is to be a lively time at the exposition. I have but little news to write things are very quiet here but brighter times are looked for when spring opens; the girls keep busy and many ladies are securing time two months hence. But we are anxious to get all together but some of us must stay here for a house soon goes to rack when its rented. The girls are heart sick of sewing they have had many years of it. Lizzie is perfectly happy among the chickens. She has her pet dog, two cats. Clara has bought a watch dog so she has enough to do to take care of them. Clara will go and stay when they begin to incubate the chickens…[unreadable]…will soon be looking fine; give my love to the girls & John I would like to see them. I am glad to hear that Emma is getting along so nicely. I was very much worried about her what an unfortunate thing to happen. She sure has had her full share of sorrow. I do hope the future will be better & brighter. I will close with best wishes
from your loving Mother [Sarah Ann Cripps Hayward]

 The 1910 census with the family split onto two pages. Salt Lake City, Utah.

The 1920 census. San Diego, California. Sarah is 89 years old.

The 1930 census. San Diego, California. Sarah is 99 years old.

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