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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Taking a Break

I have run into a time crunch and will not resume posting until sometime in mid-July.

Best wishes for a wonderful summer.

Fourth of July photo from


  1. Thank you for your postings! I am Mary Ann, the wife of Peter Paul Overson, and our daughter was asked to fill out a genealogy tree. My side of the family is well known, but Peter wasn't quite sure about the Overson side because his grandparents from St. Johns are deceased. He never really got to know them well because his family moved from Mesa to Los Angeles when he was 7. This has been an amazing journey to be able to read these histories and have them available in one place. Thanks for all the work you and your family has put into all of this! You've also inspired me to create a blog for my side of the family with all of the stories and photos my dad has collected and I have transcribed to computer. Keep on posting!

  2. Thanks for commenting! If you see this comment, is your husband descended from one of Henry and Margaret Overson's sons?

    I have plenty of other materials on the Overson side of the family, including biographies of each of Henry and Maggie's children, but it will be a couple of years before I start putting them up (2012 to be exact) unless someone requests something in particular.

    One of the projects that will start at that point is putting the diary of Ove Oveson (or Overson) online. It tells about his childhood in Denmark, his conversion to the church, his mission, his trip across the plains, and his life in America. It is a fascinating and long document and will be another great source on the family when it is done.

    And, starting your own blog is a great project. I've had a wonderful experience and always love getting comments like yours.

  3. Yes, Peter's father is Paul Henry Overson (named after Henry, of course!) and his father's name is Edgar Pratt Overson, one of Henry and Margaret's sons. I would love to see anything you have relating to Edgar and Alice Whiting (his wife).

    I have heard my husband tell of a story passed down that Ovesen was written on official documents as Overson somewhere along the line, so the family continued with this spelling until they were set straight, but one of the brothers decided to continue with the spelling of Overson. I have read all of the histories in your blog yet (I just found it two days ago), but wondered if you know the real story and where I might look to find it.

    Something funny is that my mother's maiden name was Jensen (doesn't mean anything, as you know, since they used patronymic naming) but the Jensen's and Christensen's on that side all came from Hjorring, Denmark. I am still researching, but I'm almost certain that some of them came over on the same voyages.

    Are you on Facebook? I am, and maybe that would be a good way of exchanging information (photos, etc. I look forward to hearing from you.

  4. Yes, I am on facebook. Why don't you send me an email (who needs donuts 1 (that's all one word) at verizon dot net). I talked to your father in law a couple of times back when I was looking for a copy of the Overson journal, since Alice typed it up many years ago.
