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Monday, August 9, 2010

Edgar Pratt Overson and Alice Whiting Overson

Edgar Pratt Overson, fourth child of Margaret G. Jarvis and Henry C. Overson, was born at St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona, May 27th, 1904. Pratt was a plump, healthy baby, grew normally, learned quickly in school, passed all his grades easily a year ahead of average. His parents kept him from school a season on account of some trouble with his eyes, thinking a rest from study would be helpful, and that some experience helping his father with a building he had on hand to complete would give Pratt some experience in construction work, and at the same time help a little financially. But Pratt did not take kindly to working at building. He wanted to get a string of traps, and try catching muskrats, coyotes, and other fur bearing animals of the region. He liked to study the habits of wild life, to follow the streams, roam in the mountains, and enjoy nature. This desire has been a life hobby. He knows about birds, fish, all kinds of wild animals, their habitat, the laws pertaining to the protection of Wild Life, all kinds of fire-arms, the kind to use for different purposes, etc.

Pratt continued on at school until he graduated from high school, then filled a two-years mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Canadian Mission. After returning home, he entered college at Flagstaff, and completed two years, the amount then required to be eligible to teach, then taught school some years.

Since his marriage, he has done office work, held a County Office one term, taught school, done Road work, some building, farming, looked after cattle, etc.

He has continued in his work in the Church, wherever called to labor, and has been a class teacher, Home Missionary, President of the Stake Missionary Work, --always doing something. He has sent a son on a mission, also.

He is ready and willing to help in times of trouble, wherever and whatever it may be. He is still and ever has been a great reader. He has quite a nice library, and is well versed, generally.

Home address: Mr. and Mrs. E. Pratt Overson, St. Johns, Arizona.

Edgar Pratt Overson was married to Alice Whiting, daughter of Fred Arthur Whiting and Lurlene Tenney Whiting, January 16th, 1931, at Mesa, Arizona. (Temple) She was born June 2nd, 1913, at St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona.

Alice is a fine woman, of true "Mormon" pioneer stock on all lines [she was a granddaughter of Ammon M. Tenney], and doing her best to live in accordance with her traditions. Has dark eyes and hair, rather fleshy [perhaps a more diplomatic term could have been used!] a good manager in her home, a consistent Church worker, and specially gifted in music. She has given piano lessons most all her married life, teaches singing groups, has led the ward choir groups often, the Singing Mothers, and other special groups, including Primary children. The last few years she has worked in Offices at the Court House part of the time, also.

From Margaret Godfrey Jarvis Overson. George Jarvis And Joseph George De Friez Genealogy. Mesa, Ariz: M.J. Overson, 1957, ii: 188-191.

Pratt died on July 27 or 28, 1972, and was buried on July 29, 1972, in St. Johns, Arizona.

1 comment:

  1. fleshy! wow. i think i'll make sure and edit any info about me before it's published!
