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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Elizabeth Ann Pugsley Hayward, by Bess Hayward Edwards: Part 3

She has always been interested in politics, and was elected on a Democratic ticket as a member of the State Legislature for the Years 1915-17 and was returned to the State Senate for the years 1919-21. She had the honor of being the first woman to preside over the Senate, which honor was granted to her several times during the sessions of 1919-21. As far as can be ascertained, she was the first woman in any state to be so honored.

She was a sincere and ardent worker in the suffrage cause and was vice-president of the state organization for six years. While she was a member of the Senate in 1919, she introduced a resolution endorsing national suffrage; and in the special session called 1919, she introduced a resolution ratifying the National Suffrage Act [Nineteenth Amendment].

She was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention in Denver in 1908, and again to the Convention in St. Louis in 1916. She served her party as National Committeewoman from Utah from 1916 to 1920, and attended the National Convention in the capacity in San Francisco in 1920.

She was a member of the City Playground Board and worked earnestly to have the first playground set aside and equipped in Salt Lake City. Once started, the movement has steadily gained ground until today, Salt Lake ranks as a leader in the recreational work sponsored for children.

In spite of her many activities, she has never neglected nor lost interest in her church work. She responded to any call for duty and served as a member of the Relief Society for the greater part of her life, and has also acted as a teacher in other Church organizations.

Her interests have been shown in Educational, Civic, and Religious organizations, and in different capacities, she has attended conventions as a delegate from such Clubs in Chicago, New York, Saint Louis, and San Francisco. During the days of the war, she became interested in the Service Star and has been a member ever since its organization. In this organization she has held the positions of corresponding secretary, chaplain, and parliamentarian. She has been a member of the League of Women Voters since its organization, and through her interest and work in the cause of suffrage, she has had her name placed on a roll of honor in the new building dedicated to the League of Women Voters in Washington, D. C. She has also been a member of the Pleasant Hour Club, a social club, for over thirty years.

To be continued...

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4

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