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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Henry Hayward's Death, Part 3

THE BEE . . . of the Salt Lake City Rotary Club

In Memorium

Quiet, gentle Harry Hayward has finished his last contract, laid down his tools, and gone home. Life is the final job of us all, and in looking back, I'll say Harry made a mighty good job of his. Judge the edifice by any standard you will and it measures up. Love of God? He possessed it. Love of fellowmen? He reared a fine family; he was a good citizen; he was honest; he was dependable; his service to his fellows shows love of fellow men. Harry was a good craftsman, both in what he wrought in mortar and stone, and in that which he builded [sic] for immortality and which he has turned over to the Master Builder. Peace to his ashes and honor to his memory.

Rotary Club of Salt Lake City

February 2 1927

Mrs. Henry J. Hayward
1140 Herbert Ave.

Dear Madam:

It is my privilege to submit to you copy of Resolution passed at our meeting held February 1st, as follows:

"On the fifth day of January, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven, Harry J. Hayward was called by the hand of death from this mrtal [sic] probation, having reached his seventy-fourth year.

He was elected a member of the Salt Lake Rotary Club during the second year of its organization and continued a loyal and active member until the day of his death.

In his profession he was a builder, and in Salt Lake City and elsewhere are to be found many monuments to the work of his hands. At times it has been his mission to tear down and demolish structures, but only to replace them with something more substantial and enduring. His work in his chosen field was only an outward manifestation of his inner soul. He had always a spirit of good will toward his fellow men and a desire to leave back of each act an accomplishment worthy of Rotary's highest standards. Although quiet and unassuming and very seldom heard from by word of mouth, he has builded [sic] during his life a monument of high ideals, in keeping with the spirit of Rotary service.

Therefore, Be it resolved by the Rotary Club of Salt Lake City that we extend to the members of his family our heartfelt condolences and sympathy in this irreparable loss, and that these Resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Rotary Club.

George Jay Martin"

Rotarily yours,


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