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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Henry Overson Missionary Journal: April 8-13, 1895

Monday April 8th 95 London

Rather dull mor[n]ing aft breakfast Bro Schoenfeld and I went to the Zoological Gardens where we spent three or four hours very pleasantly viewing the Animals of every kind. A grand sight. 320 [3:20] left and took dinner at a little Coffee House on Great Portland St. and walked on down to Hyde Park. where we saw a number of carriage and Hors[e]back pleasure seekers out for the afternoon. after staying there some time went to the [?] and stayed a short time then walked back to 36, ready for bed. (Saw The [?].)

Tuesday April 9th 95.

Beautiful day after dinner Pres Morris Eld Schoenfeld and I went to and spent the afternoon at the Royal College of Surgery. then returned to 36 and in the evening Bro S and I went to St Pauls where we heard Bachs Passion Music which was fine the Cathedral was crowded full.

Wednesday the 10th 95.

Nice day the three of us took a walk down through the City visited the St. Giles Church Cripplegate, spent the evening at 36.

Thursday, April 11th 95.

Nice weather spent most of the day at 36. 240 [2:40] Pres Morris Bro Schoenfeld and I went down Farringdon Rd spent the evening here at the office

Friday April 12th 95

Bank Holiday and a Lovely day, in the morning Pres Morris Bro S. and I took a walk up through Cannonbury by the old tower. and upon returning found Bros. Winter and Words[]qust came in from Sittingbourne and the after noon we took took a trip down through the City.

Saturday April 13th 95

About 630 hearing a [k]nock. And expecting some visitors I got up went to the window dropped the Key to them.
Soon after dressed came down and met Pres Aveson Elds Ogden and Jones the last named came over when I did
And after breakfast started out to take in the sights of town those of most importance returning about 1120 tired out. when nine of us retired in three small beds. Bro Ramisyer [?] having arrived from Germany on his way home

To be continued...

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