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Monday, November 8, 2010

Henry Overson Missionary Journal: April 27-May 1, 1895

Saturday April 27th 95 London.

Arose early and after Breakfast Bros Belliston[,] Park and I went out to see the sights of London Took Bus to Westminster went through the Houses of Parliment then Boat down the Thames to Greenwich. went through the ^Park to the^ Observetory then through the Picture Gallery saw the Costume Lord Nelson wore at trafalgar. thence train to London Bridge passing under the thames through the Subway. Went all through the Tower, and over Tower Hill walked to the Bank. thence Bus to the Angel. and on to 36. where I bid them Good Bye. And spent the evening at the office

now Sunday April 28th

Nice morning. Spent the day at 36 until 230. then attended Testimony Meeting Was invited to Bro Birds to dinner then 630 Meeting meeting again Bro Jarman and the Pres spoke to a full Hall including 5 strangers event to Birds again to spend the evening and had a very nice time.

Monday April 29th 95 London.

Arose ^woke^ about 7.30. And the pres went down for the mail brought my release. which was quite a shock. soon arose and began packing spent the whole day in that way in the evening bought a few things at the Arcade on Strand also on Strand Spent the evening packing

Tuesday April 30th 95.

Spent the morning writing Good Bye letters. in the after noon visited Crosses then Spent an hour or more at Bro Tifield's Biding them them Good Bye. went to Birds from where Sophia and I went to call on Sist Allen found all well stayed a few minutes then Bid them good Bye. returning to No 3. Rayley St again met Bro and Sister Bird and Alfred about 1130 left them all with tears in their eyes. Bidding them good By. returned to 36.

Wednesday May 1st 95 London.

Quite busy packing up. went to Crosses where I took dinner. bidding them Good Bye...

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