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Friday, November 12, 2010

Henry Overson Missionary Journal: May 5-8, 1895

Even meeting comenced at 630 with an attendence of about 35 the same number as composed the afternoon meeting
After Sing. Prayer By Bro Walker followed by Bro Holly who spoke nearly half an hour. when the President finished occupying the time prayer by myself. After which I met the folks again had another nice talk with the ___ Spokeses returned to 42 and about 11 retired.

Monday May 6th 95 Brnm [Birmingham].

Arose quite early after writing a few minutes Pres Patterson Bro Holly and I went to 36. where we met the Paks family. did a little work in the Garden then returned to 42. and after dinner Bro Pratterson and I took a walk down town And in the evening went to Spokeses where we met the family concisting of the Father, Mother, Son and four Daughters indeed a very nice family
We spent some time gazing over Photoes then Miss Anna and got to Brading a cord for a tidy. sat on the Sound which place we occupied for some time
About 1030 had a fine Supper.
and we all resumed our places in the pa^r^lour which we occupied for some time when the Young Ladies sang to us Which was some of the nicest in the Land. they being Lovely Singers. About 1240 we left after spending one of the most aggreeable and ^most^ pleasantist evening of my time. soon arriving at 42 And retired.

Tuesday May 7th 95 Birmingham.

Lovely Morning as usual arose about 720 spent some time in packing and writing then Pres Patterson and I went to the Station and Put some things into my trunk took a little stroll round the town. came to 42, where we remained until evening then went to Bro Satts Pres went on first and called for a nother Sister Bro Eldridg ^& I^ followed. met the folks Also Miss Nellie spent a very pleasant evening. and upon returning found my tickets and Money from London which I I had been waiting for for some time retired about 1130

Wednesday Morning arose early 640 wrote a couple of letters had Breakfast then went.

[That's the end of the journal.]

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