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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Glade 2: William Lester Glade, Part 2

Prior to his mission call, Lester had experienced other important events in connection with the Church. He was so happy when he was baptized at the Salt Lake Tabernacle baptismal font on March 29, 1902, and when he was ordained a deacon in the Eighteenth Ward in 1911 and could pass the sacrament. His mother and father believed in early religious training in the home, and also the advantage of attending Sunday School and other church classes regularly; they always took the children to Sacrament Meeting when they were old enough.

The program for Lester's missionary farewell.

Lester was set apart for the Central States Mission on Tuesday, November 9, 1915 by Joseph Fielding Smith, and he left November 10 for Kansas City, Missouri. He made many life-long friends in the mission, was secretary to President S[amuel] O. Bennion in the mission and traveled a great deal with him. Headquarters for the mission at that time was Independence, Missouri. He returned from [his] mission on April 1, 1918.

Mission Conference held at Independence, Missouri. 
Lester is in the fourth row from the front, fifth from the right.

The certificate of release from his mission, signed by President Bennion. 
Look at that beautiful lettering of Lester's name!

Lester's draft card, which was filled out while he was a missionary in Missouri.

On 11 May 1918, he enlisted in the Infantry of the U.S. Army. He obtained the rank of sergeant, and served as Acting Sergeant Major during the last four months of service. The signing of the Armistice on November 11, 1918 kept him from overseas duty. He performed a lot of missionary work while he was in the military service. He served until 13 February 1919.

Reverse side of the picture says "Sgt. W. L. Glade / Camp Lee, Va. / Nov. 28, 1918 / Once "Rev." / Now Ready for Over Sea Service"

At this time his father bought the family's first automobile. It was a new Dodge car and came when Lester's father and mother deserved its enjoyment. Lester was the first chauffeur and enjoyed driving his mother and father, as they never learned to drive. Father said he would leave the driving to the younger folks.

1921, Yellowstone National Park. 
Left to right: Lester Glade, May Green, Rulon Sperry, Lucile Green, William Birkenshaw. 
Lester seems to be throwing Lucile an admiring glance...

In 1921, Lucile Green and her Aunt May Green (Hinckley) were vacationing in Yellowstone Park at Mammoth Hot Springs. They met Lester, his friend Rulon Sperry with three other friends who were also vacationing there. Lester and May Green had been in the mission field at the same time, so May introduced Lester to Lucile, who later became his wife.

To be continued...


  1. Thank-you for sharing so many scanned documents. I think the missionary farewell flyer is priceless. It must have been expensive to reproduce in that time period before desktop publishing.

  2. Thanks! I do appreciate my parents providing so many scanned images.
