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Monday, February 7, 2011

Lester Glade Funeral, Part 11

Remarks By - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bishop Preston W. Parkinson

Brothers and Sisters: We appreciate your attendance here today, this large assemblage. These beautiful flowers indicate the love and respect and esteem in which Brother Glade was held. We are fortunate in Wasatch Ward to have three Glade families, Harvey, Lester and Florence Wells. I know that they appreciate your attendance here today.

We want to thank everyone who has taken part on the service, for the beautiful music and those who have brought these wonderful flowers here today, these floral contributions. To the ladies of the Relief Society who are taking care of them, for their fine assistance. On behalf of the family I want to thank all of you who have rendered help and assistance to this family, particularly those who have supplied their blood for Lester that his life might be prolonged. Many kindnesses have been shown, he has been visited by his friends and loved ones. This is as it should be Brothers and Sisters, to visit the fatherless and the widows and those in distress.

The Pall Bearers today are members of two study groups. The active Pall Bearers are Joseph M. Bean, Lester W. Fry, Carl J. Hawkins, E. Cecil McGavin, Nephi E. McLachlan and Carl F. Bierman. The honorary Pall Bearers are Howard J. Layton, Homer Holmgren, David H. Cameron, John O. Simonsen, C. Ernest Bowers and Frank Christopherson. The internment will be in the Salt Lake City Cemetary [sic], where the graveside prayer will be offered by Brother Howard J. Layton, a brother-in-law of Lucille [sic]. We will bring these services to a close by a vocal duet from Brother and Sister McMaster. They will sing "Tranquility." The benediction will be offered by George Blair Glade, a cousin of Lester.


Benediction - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brother George Blair Glade

Our Father in Heaven: We now wish to envoke [sic] thy blessing, and with thy blessing thy dismissal upon us. We feel appreciative for all the curcumstances [sic] in our individual lives that have permitted us to be here today, and for this service which has been an expression both in song and in the spoken word of the esteem and love and the friendship that we have held for our relatives and our friends.

We pray again that thou bless his beloved wife who has been so magnificent through these recent years of trial and uncertainty. Bless his children, his aging mother, his brothers and sisters and all of us who mourn today.

We pray oh Father that thou will teach us this one lesson, that although it is easy to neglect the responsibilities of life and to dodge them, that we will not be able to dodge the consequences of neglecting these responsibilities, that in the long [haul] at the end of the long run the great pendulum of mercy and justice will swing to those of us who have loved thee and have kept thy commandments. 

We humbly pray now that this service may be consummated with thy blessing, with thy favor, and may thy ear ever be atuned [sic] to hear the prayers and the wishes of our hearts and righteousness, and all of these things we humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ . . . Amen:

Lester's children and grandchildren at his gravesite, June 1952.

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