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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 3

1904 Sunday School. Lucile is in the second row from the front, right end. 
Her father, Henry Green, is in the back row, right end.

Henry was successful as a plumber and heating engineer. He did the plumbing for the Beston, Newhouse buildings, LDS Hospital, Hotel Utah, and Salt Lake Temple. He located his office on the southeast corner of West Temple and South Temple. He employed his brothers Al and Will. His sister May was his bookkeeper, and later his sister Flory did the bookkeeping. When May went to work at Dr. Richard’s clinic, Harry brought Lucile in to work for him, so she never graduated from high school. She says, My education was practical experiences.

Besides Harry’s regular work, he invested in farms, ranches, and mining. He was so trustworthy that people took advantage of him and he came out on the losing end of many deals. He lost most of his investment money and died without much money.

Harry along with Uncle Will Green and Cousin Arthur Townsend was paying a man to homestead some property in Big Cottonwood Canyon above Storm Mountain. They later lost it all to him and Grandpa could not fight it in court as he was not supposed to pay someone else to homestead the property. Father also went into the sidewalk construction. He would have been better off if he had stayed with the plumbing and heating business.

Sometime after 1910 he invested in the Riverside Dairy and Stock Farm, which imported registered pure breed Guernsey cattle. This was out on 35th South between 10th and 17th West. Father introduced the new type of bottle cap that fit over the bottle rather than down in the groove. The smelters in Murray a short distance away had arsenic fumes which affected the cattle or the alfalfa they ate and made him lose his investment. The Smith Brothers had a dairy farm east of our farm. Father and the Smith Brothers brought suit against the smelter. Harry hired an attorney to represent him but never did get a settlement. The Smith Brothers won their suit — either a smarter attorney or the name Smith was the advantage. [1] [2]

When the Greens lived at 913 South 2nd West they had a nice house for a large family. Downstairs were the living room, sitting room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom and sewing room. Upstairs were four bedrooms.

The Pettit grandparent home was on the northwest corner of Ninth South and Second West. Our home was about four houses and a big lot from the northeast corner of Ninth South. This lot in later years became a tennis court. My how Father would work to get the ground in condition. Father was the National President of the Plumbing and Heating Engineers and had been to convention. At this time he purchased the tennis equipment as a gift for the family. It was quite a problem to keep the court in condition. Prior to this the area was pasture for the donkey. Also in the back of the yard Will had chicken coops and was in the chicken hatchery business. One night we were wakened and the whole chicken coop was ablaze. Raising chickens was a hobby for my brother Will. We had a large barn and always had two cows and horses.

Lucile in second grade, first row, third from the right.

Lucile walked to Grant School every day. One day in second grade Lucile was looking like she always did with a pretty face and a smile. The teacher suddenly said, “Lucile, wipe that smile off your face!” She never forgot that as she didn’t know she had such a happy look. It gave her a negative feeling about herself. She has always had a very pleasant expression on her face. Many times walking downtown, people she didn’t know would smile at her just because of her friendly and pretty smile.

On the way to school she would walk past the car barn. This is where the only street car was stored on 9th South and Washington Street. There was one man to be the conductor and motorman. Boys loved to take the trolley off the overhead wires by jumping off the back of the car and swinging them out. Then the motorman would stop and he would get off and go around the back and put them back on the wires again while the boys would be hiding nearby laughing from some bushes.

To be continued...

[1] The case was fairly complicated and went on for years in various forms and with all the legal costs, no one seemed to benefit in any way from all the litigation. See American Smelting & Refining Co. v. Riverside Dairy & Stock Farm (Circuit Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. October 14, 1916).

[2] I cannot find any connection between the Rowe and Smith families listed in the articles of incorporation of the Riverside Dairy and the Smith family which was much involved in the history of the Church. The Smith family involved in the dairy was originally from Pennsylvania and Connecticut and does not seem to have any connection to the other Smith family, even in colonial times.

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