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Monday, February 28, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 9

Saturday morning each one of us had a “job” to do besides the everyday make your bed and dust and vacuum, clean our bedrooms! We took turns cleaning the bathroom or dusting the front room and dining room. As I got older I scrubbed the kitchen floor and back steps then waxed it. I was glad when Bob was old enough to take over that job.

Of course we got our work done early and after lunch we went to the Wasatch Ward House and saw a movie. Most of the kids in the ward went—only 10¢ for a cartoon, a serial like Tarzan or Buck Rogers and then the feature movie. We used to stop at the Malin Corner grocery and get a penny candy. I got used to an all day sucker or licorice stick or two caramels for 1¢ (although my friend Donna had a nickel or dime to spend). Mother bought candy for 10¢ or 25¢ a pound and sent that with us sometimes. This was the highlight of the week. Mother and her two sisters Leone and Mildred would get dressed up and go to town shopping and/or a movie in the afternoon. Sometimes about once a month in the summer the cousins all went to Grandma Green’s. Girls played dress-ups in the attic when they lived on 4th Avenue and E St. It was so fun to try on wonderful pioneer dresses and big brimmed hats, flowers, ostrich feathers, and ribbons. What a fond memory we all have of “dress ups.”

Bert Green, May Green Davis, Lucile Green Glade, Leone Green Layton and Jack Green. February 1949.
When Marjorie was born I went to stay at Grandma Green’s for ten days. One day Uncle Bert’s wife Gla and I dressed up and walked to the Holy Cross Hospital to see Mother and the new baby through the window from the sidewalk below. It was always fun at Grandma Green’s. May played school with the grandchildren. We walked up Memory Grove with picnic lunches and put on plays. We were very close to our aunts and uncles and Green cousins as we visited often or picnicked in the canyon or park or met for Christmas. On Decoration (Memorial) Day we all met at the Green and Pettit plots at the cemetery.

Shower for May Green and Cliff Davis at the Thornton home, 17 February 1950.

Front (left to right): Joyce Noble, Eva Layton, Jay Layton, Bob Glade, Bert Green

Middle (left to right): Ron Thornton, Leone Layton, Ann Wessman, Lucile Glade, Marjorie Glade, Beverly Wessman, Lucille Layton, Jean Thornton, Renee Thornton

Back (left to right): John Wessman, Lester Glade, Barbara Green, Beverly Noble?, Howard Layton, Mildred Noble, Ray Noble, May Green, Cliff Davis, Jack Green,Wayne Thornton

(Thanks to Ann and Judy for providing the names. If you have additional corrections or additions, please send them by email or note them in the comments.)

If cousin Marilyn and Aunt Lucy and Uncle Harry came to town we got together as they lived in California or New York. Uncle Harry’s work took him away from Salt Lake to climb the executive ladder. Uncle Bert and his wife Glacia went to Bolivia to make a fortune in mining. They finally moved to Chihuahua, Mexico. Both died there. Whenever they could come to Salt Lake all the family including children would have at least one get-together.

Lucile, Mildred, Leone and May, June 19, 1944 at Beverly's wedding.

Grandpa Henry Green set the family togetherness feelings in all of our hearts. We had great love for each other and had an unusual bonding of love between aunties, uncles, and cousins. Aunt Mildred, Uncle Ray and three children Barbara, Ray and Mary Joyce moved to California. He worked for Walgreen drug stores. Lucile and her father Henry went to California when Uncle Ray took his life. They helped the Nobles move back to Salt Lake to be near family again. This extended family feeling of love one for another still exists as each family gets larger with more generations. After the brothers and sisters died the cousins continue to meet but the second and third generations are so busy yet the family feeling still exists.

Eliza Green, Ann and Roger.
Lucile’s half sister May and her mother Eliza always had her grand nieces and nephews together at Christmas for dinner and a party which included gifts. They still remember these times and tell their children about their great aunt and great-grandma Christmas party. It later became the May and Cliff Christmas party after the death of Eliza Green. We all remember our Grandpa Green’s kisses and Grandma Eliza’s wonderful food. During the Depression days, which we as children were unaware of, our visits were highlighted by a oven-dried toast with honey. It’s never tasted as good as at their home.

Christmas party at the Cliff and May Davis home, 1949.

Lucile and Lester had many friends besides family members. They had a special group who played cards on Saturday and studied scriptures on Sunday once or twice a month. This same group went camping with the children for a week each summer. There were eight couples all lived in Wasatch Ward with young families about the same age: the Laytons, Glades, Bowers, Simonsens, Christophersons, Vincents, and part-timers were Andersons and Holmgrens. They had many fun times together for years but all moved away except Glades, Bowers and Vincents. Lucile and Lester then belonged to a special Sunday study group of Wasatch Warders. They met once a month at each others’ homes for about 20 years.

To be continued...

The Buck Rogers picture is from Wikipedia. The rest of the pictures are, as always, with much gratitude, from my mother's collection.

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