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Thursday, April 14, 2011

William John Glade and Annie Harris Hamilton Glade

There are at least three histories of William John Glade and his wife Ann (Annie) Harris Hamilton Glade. This first one has no author listed. 

William John Glade and Annie Harris Hamilton Glade

James Hamilton and Mary Watson McNair Hamilton were born in Paisley, Scotland. James Glade was born in Yarcombe, Devonshire, England. Eliza Mary Litson Glade was born in Whitechurch branch, St. Andrews, Glamorganshire, South Wales. Little did these four people realize that far across the Atlantic ocean and then practically across the United States they would come to locate in the neighborhood of "C" Street and Sixth Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah. Little did they realize that they would become the progenitors of a magnificent and prolific posterity.

The James and Mary Hamilton family on Sixth Avenue included Mary, Elizabeth, John and Annie.

The Glade family on "C" Street included William J., George L., James R. and Eliza Mary.

As a young girl, Annie Hamilton attended a Miss Cook's school and William J. Glade attended Brigham Young's school.

On a wintery, snow-packed day, William John Glade was sleigh riding down "C" Street. He deliberately guided his sled to hit Annie Hamilton who tumbled into the snow. This was their initial meeting.

As a teenage girl, Annie Hamilton became acquainted with Emiline B. Wells [sic], the editor of the Women's Exponent. Annie was given work in her office assisting in the mailing of the magazine and delivering copies to be printed by the Deseret News. After the death of James Hamilton, Annie with her brother and sisters, John, Elizabeth and Mary, went to work at the Troy Laundry which was then located on Main Street.

At this time, William John Glade worked at the S. P. Teasdale store. During the lunch hour he could conveniently see Annie Hamilton as she sat crocheting items for her trousseau at her lunch hour break. Vividly he recalled the girl he had hit with his sled and he was impelled to know her better. He gathered up enough courage to ask her for a date. It was on a July 4th that William Glade proposed marriage to Annie Hamilton at the Garfield resort located on the south shore of the Great Salt Lake.

Six months prior to this time, William had a four room cottage built on "C" Street where now stands a nine-room house. This home was built on a lot which William's father had deeded to him.

On April 26, 1893, Annie Hamilton and William John Glade were married in the Logan Temple, Logan, Utah. They became the parents of twelve normal, healthy beautiful children. With the exception of one, all of the children were born in the home on "C" Street. Mary, the second child was born while William John was serving in the Southern States Mission. At this time, Annie and her son Lester were living with her mother.

As the number of Glade children increased, so also was the home on "C" enlarged. It was a hive of activity. Obviously regularity and organized systems were requisits [sic]. Washing, ironing, baking, cleaning and mending were as regular as the days of the week. It seems that Annie was incessently [sic] baking bread, twelve loaves at a time, and the aroma of that bread is still a fond memory to the children as they were returning from school.

As routine and regular as the household duties were, so also was the observance of the Sabbath day. William John Glade was a perfect attender at his priesthood meeting, Sunday School and Sacrament meetings. As the children were old enough, they too attended. After the last born child was old enough, Annie too was a regular attender with her husband at Sacrament meeting. She thoroughly enjoyed her Relief Society meetings. In the Glade family, it was taken for granted that each member would be active in the church.

A new Dodge car purchased in 1918 was a real boon to the Glade family.

Annie was an excellent cook and her meals were a work of art. Each day at about 3 p.m. she would start to prepare the evening meal, which was a wonderful occasion where the entire family surrounded a large table in the kitchen and ate in ease. On Sunday and on special occasions, the meal was served in the dining room with Irish linen cloth, best china and silver; thus she passed on to her family an appreciation for truly fine things.

 Annie Hamilton Glade and daughters.

The Eighteenth Ward was the center of activity for the Glade family. Originally it was the area in which Brigham Young, second prophet of the church lived. Many of the general authorities lived within its confines. It was a natural environment for the Glades to hear the testimonies of the church leaders which helped to fortify the Glade children in righteous living.

The portraits are from my mother's collection. The picture of Annie and her daughters is from Glade cousin Ben B.

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