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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ann Harris Hamilton Glade, Part 2 of 6

Annie worked for a short length of time at the Troy Laundry, operating a collar and cuff machine, and availed herself of every spare moment at noon to crochet lace for her trousseau. It was during these times that William J. Glade saw Annie and her looks first thrilled him. The receiving yards of S. P. Teasdale’s Store (or Teasdel) were adjoining the Troy Laundry property on Main Street, where Annie spent her noon hours. A rustic window graced with the lovely presence of Annie crocheting was a perfect picture for Will, and was indeed a good reason for him to leisurely pursue his work during her noon hour. To Will, she looked divine, and he made special efforts to locate his work so that he could look her way as much as possible. When they were youngsters, Will admitted to sleigh riding down the street, hitting Annie and causing her to topple over.

Etiquette of Trousseau, Godey's Magazine and Lady's Book, 1849.

Their really first “big moment” did not occur until the July fourth celebration at the old Garfield resort on the south shores of Great Salt Lake. On this occasion, Will gathered up enough courage to ask her for a dance. She accepted and later asked to escort her home. Annie gladly consented, and she recalled later how they both ran down the length of the train to tell her Parents that she would be home later. It was a big evening for both of them, especially since both remembered so vividly all that happened. Will said he was especially impressed with the harmony of Annie’s eyes with the blue trimmed dress she wore. Their evening together was very congenial and the first spark of love was fanned into a flame.

William Glade

They went out together quite regularly for long buggy rides. On these particular days Will and Annie arranged to get off work at about four in the afternoon, which gave them ample time to enjoy their buggy rides in rigs hired from the livery stables.

It was in October when the second “Big Moment” came for Annie and Will. It was while on the way to a social that Will slipped the anticipated ring onto Annie’s finger. It was a yellow gold ring and held a diamond and a moon stone. Six months prior to this time, Will had a four room cottage built on C Street. During this time, Will was promoted to the clothing department at the Teasdale Store.

Will was 25, Annie was 20. She was in the Tabernacle Choir which sang for the Salt Lake Temple dedication.

For their wedding and honeymoon, Annie and Will wanted a trip to Logan. On the morning of 25 April, 1893 Annie and Will boarded the train for Logan. Will got off the train at Ogden. Annie didn’t know the reason and started worrying when it was drawing closer for the train to leave and Will was not in sight. Will arrived in the nick of time and explained to Annie that he had stopped to buy fruit. After arriving that evening in Logan, they went to Annie’s Aunt Agnes Purdie and had dinner and stayed the night.

The following day, 26 April, 1893 they were married in the Logan Temple by the Apostle M. W. Merrill. After the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was given in honor of the newly married couple at Aunt Agnes Purdie’s house. They remained in Logan that night, then left for Salt Lake on the following morning.

Will had big ideas about how a wedding reception should be given, but he and Annie had to be content with a social, devoid of the elaborate frills and fancies. [Both of their fathers had died in the 1880s, so the Glade and Hamilton family circumstances were somewhat reduced.] Will had sent his brother, James, (who was a professional pastry cook in Ogden) five dollars to make a wedding cake. On the way home from Logan, they stopped at Ogden to visit James and to get the cake. The wedding cake was so large it had to be packed in a barrel with handles for it. It was sent by express on the same train they came down on with special orders that it should be handled with the greatest of care. After arriving in Salt Lake, they discovered that the cake was too large to be put into a hack and the express wagon was not considered safe enough. They asked permission of the street car conductor to carry it in the front end of the street car, which was allowed. Will stayed in the front end of the car with the cake and Annie was in the other end.

Grandmother Hamilton had a lovely wedding breakfast and social in their honor after their arrival. The treasured cake formed a beautiful center piece, it was four or five layers high, beautifully frosted and decorated with fancy candies, festoonings and roses. The edges were bordered with scallops and the top smaller cake formed the platform for a miniature bride and groom. Will often said that his brother James indeed did himself proud in the making of that cake.

To be continued...

Picture of the collar and cuff machine from Women In Industry Series, No. 1, U. S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington D. C., Government Printing Office, 1913. Article about the trousseau from Godey's Magazine and Lady's Book (1849), Volume 38, Page 228.

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