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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ann Harris Hamilton Glade, Part 4 of 6

However, before any remodeling of the home took place, Will was called by the President of the Church, Wilford Woodruff, to go on a mission to the Southern States. Both William and Annie agreed that the call should be accepted. Sacrifices were made and the four room home was rented to William’s brother, James R. Glade and his family. Annie took her son, Lester, and went to live with her mother, Mary McNair Hamilton and her sister Mary. The rent that was received from the home was turned over to the building society to keep the monthly payments up. Both Will and Annie were dedicated individuals, so that when the call came, the answer was “yes”, although he had to leave a wife and one child, with another one on the way.

[See a bit about William Glade's mission here: Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.]

William John Glade was given a farewell program in the 18th ward Independent School house. The home Dramatic Club furnished a skit and Maude May Babcock coached a dancing feature for the program. A fifty cent admission was required. They had a capacity house which raised $99.00 for Will’s mission.

Will boarded the train in 23 Feb, 1895 for the Southern States Mission. The following August, after Will left on his mission, Mary, their second child was born. It was 28 months before William John Glade finished his mission to Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia. He was met at the depot at 2:00 am on 5 July, 1897 by his brothers George, David and George Vine in the buggy with an old sorrel mare. He traveled without purse or script and performed a successful mission. His family was well cared for, not wanting for more than the necessities of life. Their faith for the Lord’s work came first and they received the Lord’s pay.

He found work in the grocery business even though the nation had just passed through a depression. In 1899, he started work in the Grocery department at Z.C.M.I. He worked there over 30 years.

In 1904, Will remodeled the home as five children necessitated the need for 3 additional rooms and a bathroom with indoor plumbing at a cost of $1,000.00. Also that year Will came down with smallpox. He was sent to an isolation hospital at the base of the Wasatch mountains near the mouth of Emigration Canyon. There was an epidemic in the City but Will’s case was slight and he soon was allowed back home.

As their family kept growing, Will turned to rental property. He built a duplex at the rear of their home. They had 2-3 room apartments built in 1910-1911 for $1,500.00. In 1913 he added two more bedrooms and two sleeping porches to the family home.

His next to last building project was 331 C Street. He was deeded the home of James Glade to settle the estate of Eliza Mary and Isabell, the two wives of James Glade. This was made into a four-plex apartment building. Each unit had three rooms. The last remodeling to their home was in 1927 which cost $2,400.00.

To be continued...

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