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Monday, May 16, 2011

Ann Harris Hamilton Glade, Part 6 of 6

Annie and her daughters. Picture provided by cousin Ben B.

As the children grew up, they were taught to help with the household duties. The boys would bring in the coal and wood and the girls would help with the dishes, sweeping, dusting, washing, ironing and baby tending.

Doing the washing was quite a big job. The clothes were all soaked the night before. The next morning they were run through a washing machine which was operated by hand, Will and the boys assisting in this activity before they went to work and to school. After the washer cycle, the white clothes were put in a copper boiler on the stove and were boiled for 20 minutes. The colored clothes were all rubbed by hand on a wash board and then all the clothes had to be rinsed, blued, and some of them starched and then hung on the line.

Since Will was a salesman in the grocery department at Z.C.M.I., the family was provided with the best of groceries. Annie would get up in the morning and fix breakfast for her family. She would cook cereal of some kind every day, and no child would leave for school without a bowl of cereal. There was toast and milk, and sometimes bacon and eggs, but the cereal was the thing that kept the children going until lunch. Thirteen loaves of bread were baked every other day to keep the family going. Each day at noon time Will would come home for lunch and some of the neighbors would jokingly remark that they would know what time it was when they would see Mr. Glade at lunch time. Many times he would walk twice each way to and from work, besides standing on his feet all day as he worked.

William was always active in the ward, he being the secretary of the 124th Quorum of Seventy for many, many years. He would get up on Sunday morning and attend his quorum or priesthood meeting, taking his boys with him as they were old enough to attend. Annie H. would stay home and get the rest of the family off to Sunday School and then prepare dinner for the family. Her family will always remember the rump roasts of beef, or the legs of lamb she would cook, along with the riced potatoes and vegetables and lemon pie for Sunday dinner. She sacrificed her attendance at Sunday School for her family, and would not take her children to Sacrament Meeting until she was sure that they would behave themselves.

When the children were all in school, Annie affiliated with the Relief Society, always sitting in the rear of the room, for fear they would call on her to pray. She served as a Relief Society visiting teacher as long as she was able to walk up and down the stairs to the homes she had to visit. She was active until she was in her seventies.

William and Annie always set the example in the home for refined living. There was never any swearing or loud talk. The children were taught to be honest and respect the rights of others. They were disciplined when it was necessary, and when the children brought something home that didn’t belong to them, they were promptly sent back and returned to the owner. Annie and William stressed the importance of all the children being home after school and Annie was always home to greet the children.

Part of the Glade Family, June 1945.

William was always a hard worker and was never afraid to tackle any kind of a job around the house. He did much of the remodeling that was done on his home himself. He also busied himself in making articles of furniture. In order to supplement his income and provide additional means for his growing family he built a duplex in the rear of his home. This building still stands and has provided a home for some of his grandchildren as well as his children when they were first married. Beverly and John Wessman and children Ann and Roger lived here in 1948-1949.

Of the twelve children born to William and Annie, five completed two year full-time missions, two graduated from college and two of the daughters graduated as registered nurses. The oldest son served in World War I and the youngest son served in World War II. All of the children except Beulah married. Beulah lived in the house even after Annie died.

Some of the men and boys of the Glade family, 1955. William John is in the center holding his hat.

Some of the women of the Glade family, 1955. Annie is in the front right carrying a handbag. 

Glade family grandchildren, 1955.

1 comment:

  1. In regards to the top photo in this post, On the back of the copy of the photo I have, it states: The Glade Seven Sisters Reading L to R: Virginia, Beulah, Mary, Melissa, Florence, Hazel, Elizabeth, Mother Sitting. Taken Nov 7, 1941 Salt Lake City, Utah.
