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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Henry Green's Thoughts on Family

Henry Green is the next ancestor on this blog. I will start by sharing an excerpt from a letter that he wrote two months before his death at the age of 73. I have corrected some of the typos. Henry seems to have been in very poor health.

March 11, 1941.

Dear Harry and Lucy, [1]

Lucile [2] just came in and Mother [3] has just left for her appointed meeting. (Relief Society luncheon). I presume Lucile will be here to take Mothers place and in every particular will fit Mothers qualifications which is saying a great deal.

Mother has certainly shown her true qualities, she has been on the job all the time and up to this time, it is going on three months, some of the time being very unconscious to that which is going on. This letter will be very much disconnected being very difficult for me to be coherent. All thoughts seem to crowd out the other before it is completed. However I feel sure that the few lines which is written will bring you some satisfaction.

Harry Green with sisters Leone, Lucile and Mildred

Yesterday the family came in and had lunch, (Leone [4], Lucile, Mildred [5], Mother and myself) to bring back some of the most enthusiasm and joy that comes thru the companionship and close association of the family. I don't think it possible to find another family that has been so devoted and loving and kind to every opportunity that has presented itself. This no doubt has added to the outcome which presents itself today. The Dr. tells me that I am over the rough spots but it will take some time for me to become normal again.

I am sure if nursing and devoted attention exhibited in the past during my sickness I have no fears of the ultimate outcome....

 Eliza Turner Green, "Mother"

What a wonderful blessing that comes to me almost hourly thru the love and friendship which is the truest friendship that binds us together. Not a day or hour passes one of the family comes in to see if they can help to change conditions. I am sure that had it not been so, my condition as far as I am concerned would be very different, so going through a great trial and pain there is a bright situation that presents itself thru these conditions....

Fortunately the family being so closely attached and always willing to assume some of the responsibility has taken of some of the financial rough spots which naturally arise. I don't believe that any greater devotion could be shown me than has been exhibited than this wonderful family that partly bear my name. They willingly came to the front and practically assumed all responsibility....

Not wishing to bore you with the families troubles or affairs but I am sure you'll be glad to get a connection. It would be nice if we could see you but this is one of the pleasures we have to forego when separations come. I am very glad that this opportunity of writing you a letter has presented itself by Lucile filling in the time and doing a good term.

May I hear from you when convenient, acknowledging Lucile's part in making it possible for you to get this few words of information and expressions of Love and Affection,


How are you old boy, long time since we went fishing together for a trip....


[1] The letter is directed to Henry "Harry" Melvin Green (1894-1977) and his wife Lucy Hart Green (1895-1988). Harry was the second child and oldest surviving son of Henry Green (1867-1941) and his first wife Mary Isabell Pettit (1866-1905). I believe that Harry and Lucy lived in California at the time of this letter.

[2] Lucy Lucile Green Glade (1898-1980), Henry and Mary Pettit Green's fourth child and second daughter.

[3] Eliza Christina Turner Green (1878-1949), Henry Green's second wife. He married her about a year and a half after his wife Mary died following the birth of their daughter Mildred.

[4] Mary Leone Green Layton (1896-1973) was Henry and Mary Pettit Green's third child and oldest daughter.

[5] Mildred Green Noble, later Harrison (1905-1986) was the sixth child and third surviving daughter of Henry and Mary.

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