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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Henry Green: 1929 to 1941, Part 2 of 2

For the Christmas of 1935 the family was altogether for dinner at their home. When Howard had asked for Leone’s hand in marriage, Harry had said, “Yes, if you’ll always bring her home for Christmas.” He must have told others that, for whenever possible, the family was together for Christmas. He was a great family man and showed each member much interest and love. At these family gatherings, Christmases and birthdays, there would always be a program. Harry could still remember a humorous reading that he always gave. He kept the family laughing as he told of the patent medicine salesman selling his elixir. May had taken elocution lessons and had a great talent for dramatic reading (she often gave readings for programs and also taught it). She later acted in many plays as a member of the Salt Lake Theater group. They had a nice, cherry wood player piano that the grandchildren would perform on; the little ones loved the winding piano stool.

The grandchildren all remember their grandpa giving them dimes and quarters, just as he used to give his own children, more than they asked. He was such a generous person! Leone tells as he boarded a bus, he would pay the fare for those waiting with him. He was always helping someone—friends and relatives. When anyone needed help—his brothers and sisters, even strangers—he opened his home and heart to them. In later years, he took his sister Lizzie, alone and her memory gone, to live with them. Earlier, when she lived across the street (on “F” Street), he set [her] up in business selling food products. It wasn’t successful and for years Eliza was selling the remains, mainly vanilla.

Harry and Eliza had a strong testimony of tithing. Even when they had so little during their later years, they paid tithing on gifts and money received to help them out. Tithing was always the first consideration.

In the summer of 1936, Harry took a trip to California, staying first in Bishop Creek with Jack and then for two weeks with Harry and Lucy. The next summer (June 1937) Howard and Leone took their parents to Yellowstone for four days. This was probably their first trip there.

They were yet to move another time. Howard built a nice white frame home for them on the north-east corner of 6th Avenue and “G” Street. That summer, Harry, true-to-form, was working hard to help, moving large rocks as they were excavating. Apparently, this strained him physically. They moved November 1, 1940. Just barely settled in their new home, another tragedy hit. On December 10, Mildred’s husband, Ray, shot himself. She brought her family back to Salt Lake in January to start life over. Mildred said, “Father never got over it. He kept it on his mind, he felt so bad.”

In January of 1941, he contracted the flu and then pneumonia. He was taken to the hospital. Jack came home as it was very serious (he had taken a job with American Smelting and Refining Co.). In February they brought Harry back home. He wasted away and got so weak and thin that he could hardly be recognized. At 9:15 a.m., on Saturday, May 10, 1941, he passed away. A beautiful funeral service was held for him in the 20th Ward. Leone wrote, “Father’s services today were very impressive. He had many friends. We loved him so much, we hate to give him up.” All who knew him loved him—he was truly a great man.

Eliza lived eight years longer in this home with May. A year after his father died, Jack married Barbara Biesinger (on April 7, 1942) and lived in Salt Lake. Eliza enjoyed her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren coming to see her often. They have many fond memories of her. She passed away on the 24th of July, 1949, and all who knew her missed this wonderful woman. May married Clifton Davis the following year, February 1, 1950, and they carried on the family tradition of getting together on Christmas and going on summer outings. The great-grandchildren remember Santa’s visits and wonderful Christmas dinners especially for them. Summer camping, river trips, parties and canyon picnics have made enjoyable times with the families all together. One year the whole big (43) family rented a bus to Southern California where they “took over” a motel on the beach and had a wonderful vacation together.

This great family love and unity, instilled in us by Harry Green, has carried on through each generation. The posterity of Henry Green—ten children, eleven grandchildren, and many great- and great-great-grandchildren—is something he can be proud of.

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