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Friday, July 29, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 2

16 May – Friday
This morning my voice sounds quite natural. I arose early and after having breakfast I went to the store and found all very much pleased to see me better and again able to resume my old position after two weeks vacation. I came home alone. Later in the evening Harry came down and would hardly believe I had been to work. Talked of taking a trip in the canyon.

17 May – Saturday
This has been a very busy day. I came home about 7 oclock feeling very much fatigued.

18 May – Sunday
This morning I feel apparently in excelent good spirits. I went to Sunday school. Came home had dinner. H and I went to the tabernacle and listened to Bro. --- On our way seen Dinwoody store burning down. It was the largest fire I ever seen. We then went to the evening meeting.

19 May – Monday
This morning I arose at five and prepared for a trip to the canyon. In company with a large crowd we boarded the 7:30 train. In about one hour landed at a beautiful shady place in Parley canyon feeling very much pleased and refreshed with the ride. After finding a nice shady nook we partook of a hearty breakfast. There were about thirty at our camp. While still at the table we had a photo taken of the whole group. Harry went fishing but was not over burdened with fish. So roamed around gathering flowers viewing the scenery etc. Came back to camp. We then took another walk and seen some of the most delightful scenery I ever seen. We visited the falls and there had our photograph taken. Walked for some time. Had dinner, went fishing again and about 6:30 boarded the train for home. After arriving at home had supper. Harry and myself both agree upon it being one of the pleasantest days we have spent.

21 May – Wednesday
Yesterday and today I feel very tired but feel well after my excurtion. Harry came down and we spent the evening in talking over our trip. He went home at an unusual late hour. Pa being way we took advantage of it.

22 May – Thursday
Nothing of importance has occured during the day. I have been to meeting tonight. Harry came for me. We took a walk around the block. Came home and sat on the porch. And I think I have taken a little more cold. Harry has gone home and I am so tired I shall retire to dreamland. It is about half past ten.

25 May – Sunday
I did not attend school this morning nor afternoon meeting. About two oclock Harry came and it was too late for meeting, we stayed home untill evening. Then went to evening meeting. I was very much interested the remarks of the missionary, Bro. J. Paul. To whom I had the pleasure of speaking with after the meeting.

26 May – Monday
This morning I arose early, prepared breakfast and went to the store. I bought a dress and came home about seven oclock and commenced making it. Sewed until about quarter past eleven and got so tired I went to bed.

27 May – Tuesday
Nothing worth mentioning has occured.

29 May – Thursday
In consequence of tomorrow being Decoration Day I had to remain at the store untill half past eight. Then went down to Midgleys and found Harry still at his books waiting for me. We came home both feeling tired we took plenty of time. We then made out the programme for the day following.

30 May – Friday
I sewed and finished my dress in the morning. Harry came down at half past twelve. I was not ready so we concluded to take the two forty five train for Garfield Beach which we did. Arived there about four oclock. We went and had a bath which I enjoyed very much although the water was a little cold. Went for a walk then a boat ride. Got on the train went to Point and back. Came home after eleven. Enjoyed it very much.

31 May – Saturday
I did feel tired today but had to go to the store anyway. I found a great many more in my state. The day lingered slowly along until seven. I then came home had supper and dressed for the evening. Harry came and we went to the festival in the Tabernacle. I enjoyed it immensely.

To be continued...

Utah wildflower picture from


  1. I just love those old diaries. Talk about history!

  2. This is absolutely FABULOUS of you to do all of this work! Thanks to you and your daughter for this beautiful posts. My husbands family is related to Mary and Henry and they don't have very much information or photographs so THANK YOU for this! You have no idea how much this means to us!
