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Monday, August 15, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 11

After posting all the parts of this diary, I will put up a final post which will include a link to each post.

Mary's mother, Rebecca Hood Hill Pettit, with unknown child, perhaps Mary.

1 October – Wednesday
I have been rather low spirited for some reason I can’t account for. I feel wretched. I have not had much appetite for the last week. At present H is here cleaning out the well.

2 October – Thursday
I didn’t rise untill almost seven oclock. Breakfast was nearly ready. I ate breakfast and hurried off to the store. We had a quiet day. Mr. Fyler has arived. He looks well and seems very well satisfied with my labor while he was absent.

3 October – Friday
I left home a little late. Met Harry and upon ariving at the store found some big changes. Moving and refiguring. Left at seven.

4 October – Saturday
This has been a big day for us. At noon I went and bought Harry a pin for his birthday. I hope he will like it. I left work at nine oclock met Harry walked slowly home. Sat on the porch a while. On going in found a letter from Pa. Went to bed about half past eleven.

5 October – Sunday
I stayed home all day. Ma and Emma went to conference and left baby with me. He cried most the time. We had supper. H. came back and we spent the evening in talking.

6 October – Monday
I found on ariving at the store that my desk had been moved and several changes made. But I must follow the desk and continue my old occupation. The day passed rapidly and night came before I hardly knew it.

7 October – Tuesday
This morning is quite cool but pleasant. I seems like a spring morning instead of the 7th of October. This is a day I shall always remember and look forward to and I hope with as much joy and pleasure as the present day and evening has passed.

8 October – Wednesday
The morning was unusualy cool but the day has been a pleasant one. I have been standing so much I feel very tired. H. came down and we spent another evening together.

12 October – Sunday
I have been to school the first time for several Sundays. Emma has had a few of her friends to spend the afternoon and evening. Harry came and we went to meeting.

13 October – Monday
I have written a letter to Pa and one to Uncle William this has helped to pass the time.

14 October – Tuesday
Have been to the store and worked unusualy hard. Twas a busy day. I went to the dance in the school house and had a splendid time. Twas late when we came home. I feel a little tired but that is one of my failings.

15 October – Wednesday
Nothing unusual has happened. Business is very quiet. Harry came and that broke the monotony of the day and the evening passed as other do when he is here.

To be continued...

Many thanks to Sharon Wilbur for sending the picture of Rebecca Pettit.

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