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Monday, October 17, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 14

And now back to Mary Pettit's diary, which we should finish this week. Thanks once again to my daughter for typing it up—she is using it for one of her Personal Progress projects. And as I have noted before, we are providing the text as previously typed from the original, complete with original spellings.

16 November – Sunday
I didn’t go to school this morning. After dinner Harry came and we went to the tabernacle. Br. Geo. Q. Cannon and President Woodruf spoke. The Fifth Ward administered the Sacrament. We had a very good meeting and unusualy interesting to me. Also attended evening services in the ward. We sat unusualy late and the time passed rapidly.

17 November – Monday
My day at the store has been very quiet when I came home Aunt Mary [Pettit Seeley] was here. Had had a very pleasant trip visiting friends. We all felt tired and retired early.

18 November – Tuesday
I came home and sewed untill late in the evening.

19 November – Wednesday
Nothing out of the usual run of things today. Harry came down and spent the evening.

20 November – Thursday
Have been a little busy today. When I came home Uncle David [Seeley] had arived home from his visit to Sanpete and feels so sick and miserable has decided to start home tomorrow. I played and sang a little for them and then went to meeting. Harry met me after and we took a walk and I told him of Ma and my conversation about going to the temple. We were of the same mind.

21 November – Friday
I went to work as usual and commenced my work as usual but not feeling in the best of health or spirits. Mrs. C. asked me to do work which I refused to do and came home. Aunt Mary and Uncle David was packing up to go home. I got a nice hot dinner and left the rest of the work. They left to catch the 4 oclock train. We were all sorry to see them go but had enjoyed this visit.

22 November – Saturday
Have been busy all day at house work.

23 November – Sunday
I went to school and took great interest in the lesson. Harry walked home with me. About two oclock he came down and we went up to Netties. Came back in time for meeting. Bro. Pierce spoke. We had a very interesting sermon.

24 November – Monday
Today I have been washing and did not finish untill dark.

25 November – Tuesday
I arose earlier than usual. Prepared a scanty breakfast and after partaking of the same commenced ironing finished at noon. Spent the rest of the day mending and sewing carpet. Harry called for a few minutes in the evening.

26 November – Wednesday
Have finished making over my brown dress. It being Wednesday I spent the evening as I have done for over two years past.

27 November – Thursday
This is Thanksgiving Day. I have not done much of anything. After dinner (which was a pleasant affair all of the family being present) I read “Called Back”. Harry came and we went to the Theatre to see the play which I had been reading. Liked it very much. It was late when we got home.

28 November – Friday
I have made my black skirt and almost finished it.

29 November – Saturday
Have been busy at the house work nearly all day. Went uptown about four oclock. Got home about dark.

30 November – Sunday
Have been to school today. Harry, Dasie, Nellie and myself [Daisy and Nellie were Mary's two younger living sisters] went to the ice house and seen them making the ice on our way from school. We came just in time to go to meeting. So we went. After meeting we did not go home but over to Mrs. [Lucy Marsden] Greens to supper. Afterwards took a walk then came home.

To be continued...

The book Mary mentions, Called Away, was written by British novelist Frederick John Fargus under the pseudonym "Hugh Conway." It is a minor work.

Picture of the autumn leaves from, available under a Creative Commons license.

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