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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 16

16 December – Tuesday
I arose early not very much rested from my work yesterday. Had a terrific head ache which lasted all day. I went up town and bought some Christmas presents.

17 December – Wednesday
I have busyed my self with the house work and not made much progress either. Evening came and brought with it much happiness. Harry came as usual. Told us of Ada & Archie wedding and some other little incident which grieved me for a time but I freely forgive him.

18 December – Thursday
I have been home all day. Have been copying some of the minutes of our meetings which are rather scarce. I went to the school house but there was no meeting. Harry met me and we went for a long walk. Our conversation during the walk gave us both something to think of.

19 December – Friday
I arose earlier than usual finished my part of the morning work early and proceeded to work on my fancy work.

20 December – Saturday
This has been rather a busy day sewing and preparing for Christmas.

21 December – Sunday
I went to Sunday School but was very late. H walked home with me. We intended going to meeting but didn’t go. Harry came late. Grandpa and Mary came. I got supper ready and after that was over we went to meeting. Bro. Talmage & Bro. Binder spoke.

22 December – Monday
Have been washing and ironing all day.

23 December – Tuesday
Tonight I am feeling a little blue. [It] seems from the conversation this morning they are tired of me staying at home. Some day twill be different I think. Harry has been down but only a few minutes.

24 December – Wednesday
Today has been a busy one. Ma has been up town and I have been cooking most all day. This Kings Eve. Harry has been here we have spent a pleasant evening. He has given me a beautiful present just what I need. It is an album for my photographs.

25 December – Thursday
Xmas Day. Bright clear and beautiful. No snow on the ground no clouds in the sky. The morning was almost like spring but a little cold. After the children had their stockings emptied and presents distributed they settled down quite happy and content. We were all at home 14 in number and had a sumptous dinner. H. came we went (?) and about eight oclock Emma, Lilly, Harry & myself went to the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. A. Freebairn where we stayed untill after midnight. All seemed to enjoy themselves. Came home about 2(?) oclock.

26 December – Friday
Today I have felt a little dumpish. Grandpa came and had supper with us. Harry came but unexpectedly remained just a few min.

27 December – Saturday
The day has past as Saturday always does.

28 December – Sunday
This morning I arose about eight oclock. Went to school and afternoon meeting after which we went over to Mrs. Greens. Had supper went to meeting and then in company with others went to call on Archie and Ada. Spent a very enjoyable evening. Came home about half past nine. All had gone to bed. We sat talking untill our allotted time had expired. H went home.

29 December – Monday
The morning was still clear and I decided to wash while the fine weather lasted commenced about nine and finished about three oclock.

30 December – Tuesday
I have been up town and just got home before a heavy shower came. It only lasted a little while. I have written a letter to Alice. Harry called as he came from work.

31 December – Wednesday
I have been cooking a little for tomorrow. Worked a little on my table scarf. Harry came and we spent the remainder of the year together and let it die peacefully. As the hour was late we thought twas best to part. H. gave me a letter to read.

That was the end of the diary. Tomorrow's post will be a beautiful letter Mary wrote Henry several days later.

Picture of the Salt Lake Temple in winter from Used under a Creative Commons license.

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