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Friday, February 24, 2012

Sketch of Roseinia Sylvester Jarvis, Part 3

Roseinia Sylvester Jarvis and George Frederick Jarvis.

Besides teaching in most of the early wards of St. George, if not all of them, she also taught out in the County and vicinity—at Toquerville, Leeds, Kanarra, Rockville, at Littlefield in Arizona and at Bunkerville, Nevada, during the winters, and in the summer-time for several years, she taught at Pine Valley and Grass Valley. It was while teaching in the old Second ward, where she had an ungraded school of near eighty pupils, that she used me for her Assistant, although I was very young in years. I would prepare the lessons the day before they were to be given, at home with "Auntie's" help or the assistance of my mother, who was ill, then the next day when the older students needed help with their lessons, they would raise their hands and I would go and give them the needed assistance in solving their problems, so that they would not have to call upon the over-worked teacher. Sometimes, some of the older boys would take advantage of their opportunity and call on me to answer some simple questions, just to have me leave my studies and to try to tease me, they told me afterwards. Although at the time I thought it was quite a hardship not to be able to take part in the games and other forms of amusement with the children after school, I later admitted that it was very helpful to me, as the assistance and help I was required to give them in the school, impressed those phases of the lessons very indelibly on my mind and were of lasting benefit, to me.

In Church work, she was very active and she held various positions. In the early years of the M.I.A. she was Stake Secretary to Sister Elizabeth (Libby) Snow Ivins, and later she was Stake President of the Y.L.M.I.A. of the St. George Stake, holding that position for around fifteen years. During her time in that position, the M.I.A.'s and the Relief Societies would visit all of the Stake, which reached from Springdale on the East, to St. Thomas, Nevada on the West and South or to the Southwest, and to the White River Settlements in Nevada to the Northwest with all of the settlements lying in between these various points. These visits would necessitate several weeks travel with team and wagon or buggy, and much time spent. During these visits, she met many young people who became very much attached to her, and often the young women, who were under her in the M.I.A. when coming to the Temple to be married, would stay with her at her home and she would accompany them to the Temple, which they appreciated very much.

She was President of the Primary Association of the old Second Ward and an active Sunday School worker and teacher, also. In those organizations, as well as the others wherein she labored, she was greatly loved and respected by all with whom she came in contact.

She lived in the same house with my Mother, (Eleanor C. W. Jarvis), until after Father returned from his Mission to England in March, 1890, when to comply with the laws of the land under the Edmunds-Tucker Act, she was obliged to have a home of her own or to live apart from her husband, so she rented the home, later owned by William Whitehead. She lived there for several years or until she had a chance of purchasing a home of her own. In time, the home of Ute Perkins, located on the corner of Second South and Main Streets, was offered for sale, and she purchased it, paying for it with her earnings from teaching school. While living there in her own home, she had some of her Nieces or Nephews live with her for company and to assist her with her outside chores, while attending school. She had done the same while living at Mother's home, as she was very anxious that they obtain an education, which they could not get at their home at Bellevue, (or Pintura, as it is now called) where there was no school held. She also took a great interest in the education of her husband's children while living with them at the old home.

To be continued...

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