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Monday, April 16, 2012

Another Guest Post: Eminent Women: Isabell Romney Platt and Charlotte von Schiller

The next post in the Eminent Women series is about Isabell Hill Romney Platt. Isabell was the daughter of Miles Park Romney and Hannah Hood Hill Romney.

Hannah Hood Hill Romney was the sister of Rebecca Hood Hill Pettit. The two sisters were close their entire lives and despite great distances, they were able to spend a good amount of time with each other. After Hannah left Mexico, she lived with Rebecca a couple of times. I wish we had their correspondence!

Isabell Hill Romney Platt was named after her grandmother, Isabell(a) Hood Hill. To connect her to our family line, Isabell was the first cousin of Mary Isabell Pettit Green. Isabell Romney Platt's children were second cousins to our great-grandmother, Lucile Green Glade.

And I'm sure by now everyone is dying to know, during this curious election season, how all these people are connected to the presumptive Republican nominee, Mitt Romney.

Miles Park Romney was a polygamist. He had five wives and thirty children. His first wife was Hannah Hood Hill. Isabell Hill Romney was Miles and Hannah's first child, born while Miles was in England on a mission. One of Isabell's younger brothers, Gaskell, also a son of Hannah Hill Romney, is Mitt Romney's grandfather. This makes Mitt Romney a third cousin of grandma Beverly. (And now you know.)

So, head over to Keepapitchinin to read about Isabell Hill Romney Platt, and the woman whose temple work she did.


  1. Amy--I've been meaning to tell you thanks again for all the work that you have done and are doing!! I was asked to give a short talk at a RS meeting last week. I spent a long time reading through your past posts. During my talk I shared a few stories. One that I really enjoyed and shared was from the "fire and light were free" post. Thanks!!!!!

  2. Thanks, Tiffany! I really enjoyed that story about the Sylvester family ( and some of the other tangential work that's come out of all this research.

  3. I love your blog! The Mitt Romney post totally made my day. I think I will now call my friend, who happens to be a Democrat, and let her know Mitt Romney is my cousin!
