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Friday, March 8, 2013

Call for FamilySearch Research Wiki Moderators

The following notice was published today about the FamilySearch Research Wiki:
The FamilySearch Research Wiki is putting out another call for moderators. Yes, we have put out this call before, but the need is still great. We have created invitations and pages that reach out to the knowledgeable and talented contributors to our wiki. We need moderators who can help maintain the quality of those pages. 
Those who now work and those who have worked as moderators have given much, and many times they are stretched to the limit. But we still call for more. Why would you want to do this? What are the rewards? 
The pleasure of creating something of worth; organizing, building with others to make something that all can use and build on. 
Working with others who have the same love of and interest in genealogy.
Most of all, giving to those who need this resource to accomplish their research.
At this time, the Wiki Support team is adding new volunteer features to the wiki. We need moderators to help guide these volunteers and contributors. 
Please consider giving your time by being a moderator for the wiki. For information on the responsibilities of a moderator and instructions signing up to be a moderator, click on this link,
I heartedly support and reinforce the call for moderators. The Research Wiki is easily the most valuable research resource on the Internet and getting more valuable all the time. If you would like to make a difference in the genealogical community around the world, we can use your help and expertise. 

I am presently the Moderator for Arizona and Utah and have signed up to be the Moderator for New Mexico also. Don't let me hog all the opportunities here, take some time to look at and learn about the Research Wiki and you will soon understand my enthusiasm for the program. 

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