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Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Marriage of Johan Westman and Amanda Mathilda Andersdotter

Yesterday's post with the birth record for Henry Wessman gave a clue for finding his parent's marriage record. I read through the Göteborg marriage records on Ancestry until I found the correct record book.

Here's the page showing their entry:

A close-up picture:

Excerpts from the 1873 Marriages for Gustavi Cathedral parish in Födra Dom Deanery for Göteborg Diocese and County. Page 19. ... Number 51. March 30, Westman Johan, sailor and Andersdotter Amanda Mathilda, young lady. Born 1840/1848.

So far, every single record I've seen spells Johan's surname as "Westman."

* * *

Here are the birth records for Johan and Amanda's seven children. 

Fanny Constantia

Gustavi Domkyrka, Göteborg. 1873. May 5. Fanny Constantia (...) Illegitimate. Westman Johan Sailor. Andersdotter Amanda Math/a. Mother not married. [Incorrect in record. They were married, but perhaps Johan was off at sea.]

Bertha Maria

1876. Gustavi Domkirkr, Göteborg. No. 224. February 23. Bertha Maria. Legitimate. Father Westman Johan, Sailor. Mother Mrs Andersdotter Amanda Mathilda. Mother married. Age 35/27.

Gerda Hildegard

Gustavi Dom, Göteborg, 1877. No. 42. December 28. Female. Gerda Hildegard. Legitimate. Westman Johan Sailor. Mrs. Andersdotter Anna Mathilda. Mother married. 37/29.

Anders Johan Herbert

1880. Gustavi Domkyrke. No 534. May 16. Male. Anders Johan Herbert. Legitimate. Westman Johan, Sailor. Mrs. Andersdotter Amanda Mathilda. Mother married. Age 40/32.

Johan Herbert

1882. Gustavi Domkyrka. Göteborg. No 1200. October 14. Male. John Hereberth. Legitimate. Father: Westman Johan Sailor. Mother: Mrs Andersdotter Amanda Mathilda. Mother married. Ages 42/34.

Harry Richard Emanuel

Entry 71. February 7 [1885]. Male. Harry Richard Emanuel. Legal status: legitimate. Father: Westman, Johan, sailor. G [probably marriage date] 30/3/73. Mother: Anna Mathilda Andersdotter. (O.H. 34.) Mother: married. [Ages?] 43/36. Medical attendant: "ex."

Josef Harold Moroni

No. 235. April 23, 1888. Male. Josef Harald Marone. 7th [child]. Legitimate child. Father: Westman, Johan, sailor. G 30/3/73. Age: 48. Mother: Mrs. Anna Mathilda Andersdotter. O. H. 8 ? 20. Mother married. Age 40. Medical attendant: "ex."

* * *

I have looked through all the Göteborg parishes and other jurisdictions but cannot find the death records for the two children who died in 1881, Gerda and Anders.

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