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Monday, January 13, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 22, 1884

George Jarvis.

The weather is Pleasant   Saturday 22d feel sleepy  I have a cold

I churned. Father & Brig put the colt in the wagon for the first ^time^ (went splendid played a few games of chekers with Brig in the evening. I believe I have not done a great deal to day ^I^ cooked dinn[er] nice turnips greens & Potatoes meat ct.ct.

I think I shall retire to bed with a thankful heart for all the blessings I have enjoyed this day to morrow is the Sabbath day, we must remember to keep it Holy.

Father — Ann's husband George Jarvis (1823-1913)

Brig — Brigham Jarvis (1850-1933), her third child and second son, married to Mary Forsyth. Brigham and Mary had two living sons, two daughters who had died as infants, and were expecting their fifth child.

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