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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 24, 1884

The David and Ann Jarvis Milne family.
From the George and Ann Prior Jarvis Family Website,
previously from the David Milne Family Website, now defunct.

Monday 24. Weather pleasent after raining all night the valley looks green and fresh. Trees are in blossom the birds are singing al nature seems glad my health is good to day   I am spending the morning washing dishes baking bread et.crt  Anne is been here to borrow a picture for Br. Milne to copy as he is painting one for our Lyceum  Josey has gone to school. I paid a visit to Amelia.  I walked there and back it was very hard on my chest causing me to cough. My daughter that I buried in East Boston would be twenty 5 years old to day if she had lived  I often wonder if my Willie and my little girl will know each other in the spirit world. I suppose I sha[ll] know some day.

Anne — daughter Ann Catherine Jarvis Milne (1848-1956). She was the second of the eleven Jarvis children and the second of David Milne's three wives. At the time of this diary entry, she had six children, five of them alive: Susan, George, Athole, Erastus, and Margaret. (Her first son David had died at age seven.) And, yes, those dates for her birth and death are correct.

Br. Milne — son-in-law David Milne (1832-1895), an artist, who did work on the St. George Temple and Tabernacle, St. George Lyceum, and Manti Temple. He had three wives: Susan Young (1835-1881) who had died three years previously, Ann Jarvis, and Anna Hess. Besides Ann Jarvis Milne's five living children at this time, he had one living son from his first marriage, Alexander Young Milne (1859-1929), and four living children from his third marriage.

Lyceum — the social hall in St. George, also used for the Relief Society, the MIA, and the town library.

Amelia — daughter Amelia Jarvis Webb (1853-1908), married to William Webb (1843-1911). At the time of this diary entry she had six living children: William, George, Joseph, Ephraim, Heber, and Annie. A daughter Amelia died at four months old.

"My daughter that I buried in East Boston" — Elizabeth Frances Jarvis (1859-1859).

"My Willie" — her youngest child William Thomas Jarvis (1873-1881) was killed by lightning while standing on the steps of the St. George Tabernacle.

Washington County Historical Society, "Libraries in Washington County," accessed January 12, 2014.

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