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Friday, February 28, 2014

Faith in a Time of Cholera

Originally posted at Keepapitchinin on February 19, 2014.

Ann Prior was born into a prosperous family in East London, but the family was reduced to poverty through a series of misfortunes including the death of her father. When Ann was eleven, she acted against her Scottish mother’s wishes and left school to become a dressmaker so she could help support the family.

East London, 1856.

She worked as a dressmaker for several years, and then when she was almost seventeen, she married George Jarvis, a sailor who had traveled around the world several times.

Between ocean voyages, George took care of ships in harbor. He and Ann were living on board a ship with their two children when George heard the missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints preaching on an English street-corner. He hurried back to the ship to tell Ann what he’d heard about Joseph Smith and the restoration of the Gospel. Ann heard his explanation and replied, “George, it’s true!”

They were baptized in the Thames on Christmas Day, 1848. When George sailed on a voyage not long afterward, Ann moved in with her mother, Catherine Prior. She told about her subsequent experiences in her autobiography: [1]
I will write a few lines about the cholera. I was home with my mother when it was so bad that cards where posted about warning you that if any one was [taken] with it and you did not send word to persons apointed to take them to the pest house, you were under a heavy pena[l]ty. You were not allowed to have a docter at your home. [2]

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — April 1-6, 1884

Lydia Knight's History by Susa Young Gates.

April tuesday 1. Weather dull.         Spent the day kniting reading writing cooking Dinner ^and^ Cakes. it was fine in the after part of the day it seems as if we should have dry and warm weather now. I am very tierd I cough so much. Em cam[e] [ink blot]

Wensday 2. Weather fine Spent the day kniting reading it is a warm pleasant day went in to Brigs a little while Father working in the wine cellar ^Rode out with Josey^ I am alone as usual. Father has a bad cold disturbed my sleep. I prayed he might get better.

Thursday 3. Weather Pleasant spent the day as usual feeding chickens kniting reading writing. Attended Fast Meeting a good Spirit prevailed ^I walked home^ 
Sister KNight died at 9 o clock had a splendid meeting relief society 
I am going to try to walk to meeting this ^P M^ afternoon I must ask God to help me to get there.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 30-31, 1884

Heber and Susan Jarvis. From GAPJ.

Sunday 30. Weather stormy. I have not been to meeting was bad last night
Father went to meeting. Josey & I spent the day reading ^evening^ Brig was ^here^
Josey studying her lessons. Anne sent me a piece of Pork [^indecipherable^]

[Written beneath the date, so perhaps on the 30th, perhaps on the 31st] Received a letter from Heber to night

Monday 31. Weather ^cold^ raining as usual. sent the cow in the herd. 
Spent the day working writing to Heber ^ect^. Brig paid me one dollar spent the evening played checkers with me.

Heber — Son Heber Jarvis in Arizona, married to Susan Smith.

"was bad last night" — Ann Jarvis was in poor health for much of her life. I don't know what condition or conditions she suffered from, but they were serious and disabling and undoubtedly treatable if she had had access to modern medical technology.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 29, 1884

Eliza Brace Lund.
Picture courtesy of Andrea Leavitt and Sharon Tomlinson.

Saturday 29. Weather Stormy cold sleet spent the day reading kniting etc etc
Father is working in the wine cellar.
Bishop Judd came for Father to adminester to Sister Lund

Father — George Jarvis.

Wine cellar — At the bishop's storehouse.

Bishop JuddThomas Judd (1845-1922), bishop of the St. George First Ward at the time.

Sister LundEliza Brace Lund.

Meservy, Mike. "Thomas and Mary Ashworth Judd." In White River Valley — NOW and THEN — 1898 to 1980, 2004. (LINK.)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 28, 1884

Mary Forsythe Jarvis, c. 1877.

Weather dull Cold raining all around us Brig tells me it is Mary birthday she is 27 to day I wish her many happy returns of the day
I dreamed of a lady that I was apprenticed to and her name is Gane Grey ^and Mrs^ Marks. I do think she is dead and wants me to be baptized for her.
Spent the day washing dishes getting dinner knitting Etc
Sister Lund is very sick.

Brig — Brigham Jarvis.

Mary — Mary Forsyth Jarvis (1857-1938). At the time of this entry, she had two daughters, Mary and Christina, who had died at birth, two sons, Brigham and Erastus, and was expecting her daughter Ethel.

Gane Grey — Probably Jane Grey. Ann was apprenticed as a dressmaker when she was eleven years old.

Mrs. Marks — Probably Elizabeth Marks (c. 1806-?) of Tower Hamlets, London. 

Sister LundEliza Brace Lund (1821-1907), one of the women featured in the "Eminent Women of the St. George Temple" project. (The other wife in the family, Ellen Nielsen Lund, was living in Iron County at the time.)

1851 England Census. Elizabeth Marks, Household of Frances Marks. Mile End Old Town, Stepney, Middlesex, England, 11. (Link.)

Thiriot, Amy Tanner. "Eminent Women: Eliza Ann (Grazen) Brace Lund." Keepapitchinin: The Mormon History Blog. July 11, 2012. (Link.)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 27, 1884

Eleanor C. W. Jarvis and daughter Ella, 1876.
From Family Tree, courtesy of Alethea Galke.

Thursday 27. Weather pleasant my eyes are weak I have slept by an open window I have taken cold. spent the day cooking dinner and baking bread kniting ^etc^ Brig came in at breakfast time for a few momen[ts] Eleanor is sick.

Eleanor — Eleanor Cannon Woodbury Jarvis (1854-1934), the first wife of George Franklin Jarvis. She had a heart condition and suffered greatly for many years, a common theme over the course of the diary.

Brig — Brigham Jarvis.