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Friday, March 21, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — April 10–12, 1884

Thursday 10. Weather raining ^Sash?^ hard: Father gone to the temple. I do not feel very well. the boy is not herding the cows to day
I sent a postal card to Kanarraville to Mr Reaves. Sent sister Wests parcel by Sister Butts.

Friday 11.      Weather cloudy Father is gone to the ^temple^  I am spending the day cooking dinner washing dishes doing domestic work. The cow is not in the herd today. Josey & I rode out   [in the margin:] Amelia paid us us a visit

Saturday 12. Weather fine ^in the morning in the after part of the day it blew^ Josey is home to day. I am invited to a quiting ^rag Bee^ to Mrs Worthing but I shall not go. Anne came for a paper. Brig played a few games of checkers with me in the evening. I done some kniting

"the boy is not herding the cows to day" — George and Ann and other families hired out the daily care of their stock.

Kanarraville —a town 40 miles northeast at the mouth of the Cedar Valley.

Mr Reaves — probably Englishman Josiah Reeves (1835-1914), married to Sarah Stapley, the daughter of Charles Stapley, Sr., and Sarah Bryant.

Sister West —probably a wife of Samuel Walker West (1804-1873) of Washington City, either Christiane Johnson West (1828-1916) or Karen Marie Hansen (1798-1887). His first wife, Margaret Cooper, had died in 1882.

Sister Butts — probably the wife of Uriah Reed Butt (1829-1904), Bridget Rogerson Butt (1823-1904). May also be their newly-married daughter-in-law Julia Anna Mariah Nielson Butt (1862-1941), wife of Willard George William Butt (1858-1919) or another newly-married daughter-in-law, Ency Camilla Bayles (1864-1897), wife of Parley Rogerson Butt (1862-1940). The first family lived in Iron County. The two last-named families lived in Bluff, San Juan County, so they are less of a possibility.

Mrs Worthing — probably Worthen

FamilySearch Family Tree.

Duvergé, Dylan. "P1040532.JPG." [Picture near Kanarraville, Utah.] Flickr. Accessed March 21, 2014. Used under Creative Commons license.

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