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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — April 18-24, 1884

Friday 18. It rained part of the night paid ^B.^ Green for herding the cow [In margin: took tea for breakfast]
Father is 19 working on the bridge to day Amelia came and picked some greens brought me a piece of pork Brig took some hay from here to feed his animals

Saturday 19. Weather fine & bright spent the morning in bed my cold is very bad
Pa bought himself a pair of shoes I am kniting a little I do not think my cough is quite so ^bad^ as it was

Sunday 20. Went to meeting. ^Went out riding with Josy^ took Anne for a ride in evening Thomas & Em had supper with us had a letter from Charley & Maggie

Monday 21. Weather warm & pleasant it is Joseys birthday she is eighteen I hope she may live a noble and useful life. Father is working on the flume

Tuesday 22. Weather warm & pleasant attended the relief society the horse is being used by George Cottam taking the colt away  I attended my relief society meeting

Wednesday 23. Weather warm Amelia went through the Temple the children stayed here they ate dinner here Amelia spent the afternoon with us

Thursday 24. Weather pleasant   Father & I rode out to see the Company we missed them but will see them to morrow if all so well  Amelia rode with me a few blocks. I called on Em

B. Green — Probably "Brother" Green, so this could be a member of the Evan Flavius Greene (1838-1925) and Mary Kennedy (1843-?) family, perhaps one of Mary's sons, Reese Bowen Whitt or William P. Whitt. It could also be a member of the John Young Greene (1826-1880) and Anna Spencer (1830-1897) family, but that is less likely since John died in 1880. Perhaps more clues will turn up.

Flume — Part of the community's irrigation system.

George Cottam — George Thomas Cottam (1852-1934), a son of Thomas Cottam and Caroline SMith and brother of Ann's son-in-law Thomas Punter Cottam. Like Ann's son Heber, George was born not long after his mother walked across the plains.

Detail of the St. George Temple used under a Creative Commons license from Michael Whiffen at Flickr. (Click on the link to see his beautiful collection of photos.)

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