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Monday, May 19, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — May 4–6, 1884

Anthony W. Ivins

4 Sunday. Weather blustering Father & Josey has gone to sunday school. I went to meeting but my cough was very bad I had a ride with Josey in the enemy John Miles came to day the Indians preached to day & Tony Ivins

5 Mon Weather fine my health is miserable I passed a wretched night will sleep on the porch to night and by that I cannot work I do wish my health was good took Eleanor for a ride as she is feeling miserable __ John Miles spen an hour ^with us^

6 tus Weather very warm I slept on the porch last night coughed for hours but did not feel so warm as I did in the house I dont feel able to work but when my family was large I should have been obliged to.

From Diary of Charles Lowell Walker:
Sunday 4th May  P.M. went to Meeting. Br Anthony Ivins just returned from his Mission. Gave a brief concise history of Mexico since the Spanish conquest...Two Lamanties [sic] from the Salt River country, Arizona, spoke to us expresing their joy in hearing and obeying the gospel. Br Millen Ray was the interpreter. Br Snow then spoke to them a short time and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the promises and covenants made to the House of Israel by the ancients....I could have listened to him for hours.... 
Tues 6  Nature smiles....

John Miles — John Horne Miles (1854-1925) was the half brother of Josephine's future husband, George Edmond Miles (1866-1970). He lived in Kane County in 1884.

Tony Ivins — Anthony W. Ivins (1852-1934) was the son of Israel and Anna Lowrie Ivins. He was later an apostle and member of the First Presidency, serving during the presidency of Heber J. Grant.

Hyde, Florence Ivins. Photo of Anthony W. Ivins, c. 1877, Utah State Historical Society, as found at Wikipedia.

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