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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — May 13–26, 1884

This installment is rather pastoral with checkers, buggy rides, spring rains, and a Sunday School picnic.

13 Tusday Weather warm Em came in the morning stayed all day  I took her home in the buggy took her carpet rags to the weavers Mrs Calkins loaned me a book

14 Wed Weather warm Father has gone to the Temple
Josey & I had a nice ride in the buggy in the evening we saw Amelia I felt the ride done me good Sent a note to Jo[indecipherable]

15 Thurs Weather stormy rain Father went to the Temple played checkers with Brig read knited  Bought some cocoa I think it is to damp for me to take my accustomed ride

16 Friday Weather fine Father went for the last of Johnsons list. My health is improved. I hope I shall not take cold again in a hurry I took Sister Calkin to Br Squire's in the buggy

17 Satu  Weather fine Josey & I took a ride in the evening  called at Em

18 Sun Weather Stormy thundering lightning I have ^not^ gone to meeting to day spent the day reading writing

19 Mon Weather changable

20 Tus Weather fine I went to the relief society helped to quilt a patchwork quilt for sister Keates who is sick I and Josey rode in the buggy in the evening

21 Wed Weather Cloudy was sick in the night could not sleep untill two in the morning was thankful I could lie down then We have a nother Temple in the land of Zion

22 Thus  Weather changeable I have a bad head ache. dull weather. Josey had a letter from Charley to day raining again strange weather for [indecipherable]

23 Friday Weather fine finished a pair of Knited stockings read the deseret news ^it is^ the last day of school for this term

24 Satu Weather fine went to Mr Dodges farm
the School had a picnic at the Spring

25 Sun Weather Stormy did not go to meeting
Josey went to meeting

26 Mon Weather fine went to the first Ward Sunday School pic nic at Dodges spring
the children had a good time Mustards left to day

Brief excerpts from Charles Lowell Walker's Diary.

18th May Sund We have had some very nice rains of late, and the whole country seems blooming with flowers and grass. In fact we had no spring like this for 20 years. Fruit and vines look promising... (II:631)

St George 22nd May, 1884  I see by the Papers that the Logan Temple was Dedicated... (II:632)

Mrs/Sister Calkins — Either Marietta Symonds Barney Calkin (1810-1886) or Agnes Elizabeth Perkes Calkin Thompson (1840-1916), but probably the former.

"the last of Johnsons list" — ?

Sister Keates — Either Susanna Mehitable Rogers Sangiovanni Pickett Keate (1813-1905) or Jacobine Christoffersen Keate (1845-1896).

Mr. Dodges/Dodges Spring — A small spring near St. George, used for recreational purposes.

Mustards — Perhaps David Mustard. His daughter Margaret Mustard Sant and her family moved to Idaho in the early 1880s.

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