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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — June 23–July 4, 1884

This installment gives a few more hints as to Ann's chronic condition. I've assumed it was something to do with her kidneys, and the side and back pains may suggest that. Other data: weight gain, swelling, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea. History includes cholera, eleven live births, etc.

Don't miss Ann's wry comment on hearing some news from her daughter.

Next, this section reveals (as noted in the footnotes) that Ann's genealogy needs some good detailed work. In other words, I hadn't realized what a mess it was. It looks like families are confused and mixed together and sources are missing. Scottish research takes a particular skill set, and I wish I had the time and energy to get into it now.

And, finally, no one in the area knew what was coming, although there may have been a bit of foreshadowing given in the Fourth of July speeches, as reported by Ann, but the family and community were soon to be hit with a great tragedy. At the rate I'm currently posting, it may show up this week; if I post at a normal rate, it could be several weeks. 

Mon 23      Weather warm I went to Ems took her to the Store in my buggy spent the rest of the day there done some sewing
[In margin: W]

Tuesday 24     had my Great Uncle & Aunt Baptized for
      made the skirt of a Gigham dress [indecipherable] Anne is in trouble again George is going to Sanpete
[In margin: Wea]

Wed 25     Weather warm done needle work went out riding took Abey Walker
[In margin: Wea]

Abigail Middlemass Walker (1842-1931)

Thurs 26     Weather warm Rose spent the day with me Amelia went through the Temple for my Great Aunt finished my dress ^Amelia [indecipherable] took buggy
[In margin: Wea]

Friday 27      The last day for Temple work I went through there was a large company Weather windy
[In margin: W]

Sat 28     Weather very warm
[In margin: Wea]

Sun 29     Weather sultry I am sick not able to go to meeting pains in my side and back slept best part of the day
[In margin: Wea]

Mon 30     Weather very warm I am not able to work I am quite sick cannot eat or work went for a ride in the evening was to sore to enjoy it.

[In margin: indecipherable]

Tues 1     Weather very warm I am feeling a trifle better this morning  I hope I shall continue to improve health is a great blessing I was not able to attend my meeting to day  not able to take a ride in the buggy

Wedd 2     Weather warm I am feeling better this morning  I ate breakfast the first meal I have had since  Saturday  I feel so sleepy all the time

Thursday 3     Weather very warm but there is a breeze that cools the air I did not attend Fast meeting but walked to the Lyceum to our monthly meeting in the evening brought Milne flour  from the office Josey and I had a nice ride in the buggy

Fri 4     Weather fine the Nations holiday History repeats herself they were opresed now they try to opress us  the Lord is very angry with them for their wickedness sent a letter to Maggie done some sewing

From Charles Lowell Walker's Diary
He took a break for about a month but has four entries in July. Since Ann didn't attend Fast Meeting, I won't reproduce his comments about the meeting. 
July 3rd Thurs Hot and dry; times dull as to busines. Went to Fast Meeting...

Sat 5th ... I should have mentioned that the 4th was not celebrated here no more than a few guns being fired. Liberty and freedom at this time are being wrenched from the Latter day Saints and it would be a Mockery to celebrate a day of Independence when there is none left to us, and we are as so many slaves. A Bill of late has been introduced into the Senate by Mr Hoar depriving us of every right, Namely the elective franchise of our women and all men that ever at any time obeyed the command of God as to Plural Marriage...[gives additional details]...It...says we shall not worship God according to the dictates of our own from the present aspect of things we have not much cause for rejoicing on the anniversary of the Birthday of our Nations Freedom.

Great Uncle & Aunt — Ann's family is a real mess in Family Tree. As in, a real mess. It would be easy enough to see the identity of this couple along with the great aunt mentioned on the 26th if I had access to Special Collections at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City and could see the temple records, but I haven't managed to find their identities in the mess that is Ann's genealogy on Family Tree.

Anne is in trouble again — What a euphemism! Anne Jarvis Milne was expecting her eighth child, her daughter Josephine Jarvis Milne (Hamblin), born on December 29, 1884.

Abey Walker — Abigail Middlemass Walker (1842-1931), a wife of Charles Lowell Walker, the diarist and author of "Dearest Children, God is Near You." Her biography from Family Tree notes:
She was a pioneer of the Dixie mission and spent sixty-nine years of her life working in it. She arrived at the mission area on the 9th of December 1962. At first she lived out of the wagon box, then lived in a willow house until better housing could be built. 
Abigail bore her first child, Zaidee, in this willow house. When Zaidee was three days old, a rainstorm soaked mother and new baby and dripped mud from the roof and the floor was a mudhole. Pans and umbrellas did not [sic] good and every thread of bedding was soaked. After the rain stopped, Charles cut brush and covered the mud on the floor and the bedding was dried out. 
She put her plates in an open cupboard that Charles built for the willow house. They were the only thing of beauty and color. They had red lilies with long green leaves. 
She had a real stove bought in exchange for a yoke of oxen so she never had to cook in a fireplace. Abigail kept the floorboards of her willow house scrubbed white and clean. 
She taught Relief Society until age eighty. She also spent many years doing temple work. Abigail spun, carded, and dyed the cotton for her children's clothing. She was very interested in the care of her home and flowers. [S]he learned to read at her father's bench but never attended a school because she lived on an island, and then, as a girl, left on the journey to Utah. 
Abigail reared her large family in the untamed red hills country of southern Utah. She died on January 11, 1904 in St. George, Washington County, Utah.


Anonymous, "Abigail Middlemas Walker," DUP biography, FamilySearch Family Tree, accessed August 17, 2014, Link.
"Abigail Middlemass,"[photograph] FamilySearch Family Tree, courtesy of "suzanneloisnimer1," accessed Augsut 17, 2014.

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